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  • 理學院【興理講座】102年10月31日(四)周必泰(台灣大學化學系講座教授)演講-新興物質在光電及生化上的應用


更新時間:2013-10-22 10:12:58 / 張貼時間:2013-10-22 09:54:59

理學院102學年度第一學期 興理講座 

※時間: 102年10月31日(四)下午14:10~15:10

※地點: 理學大樓1樓S104普物演示廳

※主講者: 周必泰(臺灣大學化學系講座教授)

※演講題目: 新興物質在光電及生化上的應用(Emerging Materials for Optoelectronic and Biochemical Applications)



1979 B.S. Chemistry, The Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan

1980-1984 Ph.D., Physical and Biophysical Chemistry, The Florida State University. Advisor: Professor Michael Kasha

Working Experiences:

1988-1990 Foreign Student Advisor, University of South Carolina 1990-1992 Advisor, Chinese Student Association, South Carolina, USA 1996-1999 Chairman, Department of Chemistry, National Chung-Cheng University. 2001-2005 Convener (國科會化學學門召集人) Division of Chemistry, National Science Council 2007-2010 Chairman, Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University. 2011-2013 Program Director (National Program on Nano Technology) 奈米國家型科技計畫能源與環境召集人 2011-2013 Director of Center for Emerging Material and Advanced Devices 台灣大學新興物質與前瞻元件中心主任


Awards and Honors:

1979 Award Highest Honor (GPA 3.98) upon completion of baccalaureate study. 1984 Award Outstanding Graduate Student (Thesis Contest), The Florida State University (GPA 4.0) 1988 Young Investigator Award, University of South Carolina, Columbia 1989 Young Investigator Award, The South Carolina State 1990 Outstanding Teaching Award, University of South Carolina, Columbia 1991 Outstanding Teaching Award, University of South Carolina, Columbia 1993 Research Award "Proton Transfer Laser Dyes" Research Corp. 1995 Outstanding Teaching Award, National Chung-Cheng University 1997 Outstanding Research Award, Chinese Chemical Society 1997 Outstanding Research Award, National Chung-Cheng University 1998 Outstanding Teaching Award, National Chung-Cheng University 1998, 2002, 2004 Research paper award (Journal of Chinese Chemical Society) 1997-1998 Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan (國科會傑出研究獎) 1999-2000 Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan (國科會傑出研究獎) 2001-2002 Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan (國科會傑出研究獎) 2001-2004 Distinguished Chair Professor, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學講座教授) 2002-2007 Distinguished Research Fellow, National Science Foundation (國科會特約研究員) 2002-2004 Scientific achievement award, Foundation of Chinese Education and Culture (中華教育文化基金董事會學術成就獎) 2003- Ministry of Education Award (教育部學術獎) 2004 Outstanding Teaching Award, National Taiwan University (台灣大學傑出教學獎) 2006 “Ho Chin Tui” Outstanding Honorary Award (侯金堆傑出榮譽獎) 2007 Distinguished Professor (台灣大學終身特聘教授) 2007 Outstanding Alumni Award, 2007, The Fu Jen Catholic University (輔仁大學傑出校友) 2008-2011 National Chair Professor (教育部國家講座) 2009 National Science Council Distinguished Chair Professor 2009 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (英國皇家化學會會士) 2011 Distinguished Chair Professor, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學講座教授) 2012 Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Award Scientific Chair Professor (有庠科技講座) 2012 Asian and Oceanian Photochemisty Association (APA) Award, bestowed 2012/11/13 in Osaka (亞洲暨大洋洲光化學會學術成就獎)


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