
AIT美國在台協會 青年領袖營 9月3-4日

更新時間:2013-07-19 14:40:31 / 張貼時間:2013-07-19 14:39:08

AIT 美國在台協會將於93-4號在宜蘭傳統藝術中心舉辦一個青年領袖營全部的費用將由AIT支付




AIT Youth Leadership Camp--Developing the Global Leaders of Tomorrow 

Goal:  AIT's Youth Leadership Camp aims to enhance participants' understanding of the role of a global leader and to introduce the tools that rising global leaders need to engage their community.  The camp will include lectures on the topics of International Relations, Arts and Culture, NGO Involvement, etc.  At the end of activities on the second day, participants will make presentations highlighting what they have learned.

Program Date: September 3rd-4th, 2013  

Venue: The National Center for Traditional Arts, Yilan


1.       Rising Junior or Senior university/college students.

2.       Students of all disciplines are eligible and encouraged to apply.

3.       Mastery of Chinese and English.

4.       Students must be enthusiastic and active in the community.

5.       Applicants' essays and resume quality.


The American Institute in Taiwan will cover all expenses incurred during the camp, including meals, lodging, insurance and travel allowance.  Travel allowance will be disbursed based on the participants' home region. The participants will receive a cap and a shirt upon arrival. All participants are expected to actively participate in all camp activities.  

Application deadline: July 31st, 2013


The American Institute in Taiwan will select 50 students from all regions of Taiwan.  Applicants should fill out the application form below and attach a brief resume.  Applications will be reviewed by the AIT alumni steering committee and those selected will be notified by the American Institute in Taiwan by August 5th, 2013. Participants will be provided with a camp agenda at that time. 

  • 本訊息負責人 陳建州
  • 電話 237#23
  • E-mail chencc@nchu.edu.tw
  • 相關附件 活動報名表.doc