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  • 【人社中心國際學者系列講座】12/16(三)Prof. Kirk A. Denton (Ohio State University)主講,影片導讀及放映:《紅日風暴》

【人社中心國際學者系列講座】12/16(三)Prof. Kirk A. Denton (Ohio State University)主講,影片導讀及放映:《紅日風暴》

更新時間:2009-12-11 09:06:53 / 張貼時間:2009-12-16 08:44:33






主講者(Speaker): Kirk A. Denton(Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Ohio State University)



Film screening, with a short introduction: “Short Under the Sun”(紅日風暴), directed by Louisa Wei (閩燕墨雨) and Peng Xiaolian(彭小蓮),about anti-Hu Feng Campaign of 1955.



時間(Time): 20091216(), 15:00-17:30


地點(Venue):中興大學綜合教學大樓6605 (台中市南區國光路250/校園地標圖)




紀錄片《紅日風暴》的靈感來自于上海女導演彭小蓮對於過去的回憶。 1955年,在她兩歲的時候,她的父親彭柏山在全國性的肅清胡風反革命集團的運動中被逮捕。彭柏山(1910-68)當時是上海市委宣傳部部長。早在三十年代,他就投身於革命之中。而彭柏山的錯誤在於,他是胡風的朋友,還曾經在胡風的雜誌上發表過幾篇短篇小說。胡風(1902-85)是一位文學評論和理論家,他宣揚的文學觀與毛澤東的教條格格不入。彭柏山在1957年從監獄釋放回家後,很快又被流放到偏遠的地區,其中包括特別貧窮的青海。1968年,文革開始兩年後,他被造反派打死了。正如彭小蓮在她的動人的《他們的歲月》一書中所描述的,在她的成長記憶中,父親就像一位陌生人,不時在她的生活中進出,有一天就永遠地消失了。但正是這位常常缺席的父親,引發了這部令人感動的紀錄片的誕生。



主講者簡介(Speaker’s Bio-note):

Kirk Denton specializes in the fiction and literary criticism of the Republican period (1911-1949). He regularly teaches undergraduate courses in modern Chinese literature in translation, Asian American film, and Chinese film, as well as graduate courses and seminars on modern Chinese fiction, the writer Lu Xun, popular culture, Taiwan literature, and Chinese film. He is especially interested in the inception and formation of a discourse of modernity in the May Fourth period and how that discourse was to some degree informed and shaped by traditional concerns. Professor Denton's edited collection, Modern Chinese Literary Thought: Writings on Literature. 1893-1945, was published by Stanford University Press in 1996. Two years later, his The Problematic of Self in Modern Chinese Literature: Hu Feng and Lu Ling was also published by Stanford. He is associate editor of the Chinese section of The Columbia Companion to Modern East Literature (Columbia, 2003) and a coeditor of China: Adapting the Past, Confronting the Future (Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 2002). He is co-editor, with Michel Hockx, of Literary Societies in Republican China (Lexington, 2008). He also edited China: A Traveler's Literary Companion (Whereabouts, 2008). He has published several articles on museum culture, including in The China Quarterly and Japan Focus, and he is presently writing a book on the politics of historical representation in museums and memorial sites in Greater China entitled Exhibiting the Past: Historical Memory and the Politics and Ideology of Museums in the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Denton is editor of the journal Modern Chinese Literature and Culture and manager of the online MCLC Resource Center, which hosts the MCLC LIST, a listserv devoted to scholarly discussion on the culture of modern and contemporary China.