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  • 【人社中心國際學者系列講座】12/1(二)Prof. Kwok-kan Tam (The Open University of Hong Kong)主講,講題:“Psychical Structures in Gao Xingjian’s Paintings and Novels”

【人社中心國際學者系列講座】12/1(二)Prof. Kwok-kan Tam (The Open University of Hong Kong)主講,講題:“Psychical Structures in Gao Xingjian’s Paintings and Novels”

更新時間:2009-11-24 10:25:46 / 張貼時間:2009-12-01 08:55:07






主講者(Speaker): Prof. Kwok-kan Tam

(Dean and Chair Professor, School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong)

主講者簡介(Speaker's Bio-note):

Kwok-kan Tam is currently Chair Professor and Dean of Arts and Social Sciences at the Open University of Hong Kong and formerly Professor of English at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1984. He has published extensively on English, comparative literature, drama, film, gender and postcolonial studies. Among his many books are Englishization in Asia: Language and Cultural Issues (Open University of Hong Kong Press, 2009), English and Globalization: Perspectives from Hong Kong and Mainland China (Chinese University Press, 2004), Anglophone Cultures in Southeast Asia (Heidelberg University Press C. Winter, 2003), Sights of Contestation: Localism, Globalism and Cultural Production in Asia and the Pacific (Chinese University Press, 2002, and Shakespeare Global/Local: The Hong Kong Imaginary in Transcultural Production (Peter Lang, 2002), Soul of Chaos: Critical Perspectives on Gao Xingjain (Chinese University Press, 2001), The Politics of Subject Construction in Modern Chinese Literature (Oxford University Press, 2000), and New Chinese Cinema (Oxford University Press, 1998). His new edited volume Gender, Discourse and the Self in Literature: Issues in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong is forthcoming from the Chinese University Press.



主題(Topic): “Psychical Structures in Gao Xingjian’s Paintings and Novels”


時間(Date & Time): 20091201(), 18:30~19:50





“Psychical Structures in Gao Xingjian’s Paintings and Novels”

In psychoanalysis, there is the Lacanian idea that the unconscious is structured like a language. Although Gao Xingjain argues that psychoanalysis fails to account for the primordial state of subjectivity which he calls “chaos,” he believes that it can be examined by analyzing language as a stream. In this talk, Gao’s works, including the novels Soul Mountain and One Man’s Bible, will be read with reference to his paintings in an attempt to unravel the psychical processes hidden in the narration.





主題(Topic): “Identities in New Asian Englishes”


時間(Date & Time): 20091202(), 14:00~15:20


地點(Venue): 東海大學外文系館FL004(台中市西屯區台中港路三段 181)



New Englishes refer the emergence of new varieties as a result of language mix. The phenomenon can be found in most Southeast Asia countries which advocate for the use of English for postcolonial identity building. In this talk, examples will be drawn from Singapore/Malaysian/Hong Kong English to illuminate on how the new deviant form is used as a strategy to shed its colonial past in search of new cultural identities and meanings.





