- Computing Services
Computing Services
NCHU Single Sign On System(SSO) (https://portal.nchu.edu.tw/)
Provide accounts for registered students, faculty, and staff to access various online resources at NCHU.
For any issue regarding the Internet access and technical problems, please contact Ms. Zhuo, Yi-Fang , Administration Systems Group at (Tel) 04-22840306 Ext.745.
Licensed software (https://portal.nchu.edu.tw/)
To promulgate the importance of intellectual property, and in line with the principle of using legal software, NCHU CINC(Computer and Information Networking Center) purchases licensed software for campus academic use.
Major software packages available include:
- Microsoft Software
- Windows OS : Windows 11 & Windows 10
- Windows Office2019 & Office 2021
- Microsoft Visio 2013
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
- SAS for Windows
- SPSS 20 多語版
- Matlab 2020a for Windows、Matlab 2018a for MAC
- AutoCAD 2011
- SolidWorks 2020
- ArcGIS
- Anti-virus Software - NOD32
For any issues regarding the Internet use and technical problems, please contact Ms. Jhong-Yi Lin ,Computer Resources group at (Tel) 04-22840306 Ext.744.
Networking Services
- Campus Networks
Any issues regarding the set-up, use and disconnections of in-campus networks, please contact Mr. Lin,Yang-Kai , The Information Networking group at (Tel) 04-22840306 ext.732 . - Wireless Network (https://cc.nchu.edu.tw/network-c/wireless_index.html)
We provide campus-wide wireless network access service. Authentication is required at the portal. When you connect to the NCHU-WIFI network, you have to provide your e-Mail address and password for authentication. For further information, please refer to https://cc.nchu.edu.tw/network-c/wireless_index.html
For any issues regarding the Internet use and technical problems, please contact Ms. Huang, Hui-Chen , The Information Networking group at (Tel) 04-22840306 ext.764. - Dorm Networks
Any issues regarding the set-up, use and disconnections of in-campus networks, please contact Mr. Lin,Yang-Kai , The Information Networking group at (Tel) 04-22840306 ext.732 . - Virtual Private Network-VPN (https://cc.nchu.edu.tw/sslvpn/)
The main application of SSLVPN is when you are out of campus but need access the resource provided by the university. You can use it to access the campus network to use the resources just as the way you are in the campus.
For any issues regarding the Internet use and technical problems, please contact Mr. Lin,Yang-Kai, The Information Networking group at (Tel) 04-22840306 Ext.732.
Email (professors:http://dragon.nchu.edu.tw ,Students:http://mail.nchu.edu.tw)
- For the applications for email systems, please contact the offices on the first floor the Information Science Building.
For any issues regarding the Internet use and technical problems, please contact Mr. Lai,Cheng-Yi , The Information Networking group at (Tel)04-22840306Ext.739. - Once a student is enrolled at NCHU, an E-Mail account is automatically created for him/her. Each E-Mail is equipped with 1GB storage space, respectively.
- *Sample for studnets’ E-mail account
- Student ID:8109041002 => d109041002@mail.nchu.edu.tw
- Student ID:410965001 => s10965001@mail.nchu.edu.tw
- Student ID:510951005 => w10951005@mail.nchu.edu.tw
- Student ID:310951005 => n10951005@mail.nchu.edu.tw
- The regulation for the E-mail account for the Student ID:
- The first number starts with “4” => s
- The first number starts with “7” => g
- The first number starts with “8” => d
- The first number starts with “5” => w
- The first number starts with “3” => n
- The first number starts with “2” => r
- The email quota for professors is 15GB.
For any issues regarding the Internet use and technical problems, please contact Mr. Cheng-Yi Lai, The Information Networking group at (Tel)04-22840306Ext.739.
Computer Classrooms
4 PC classrooms for teaching and research, with totally 238 PCs with Intel Core i5-2500 and above. Operating systems installed including Windows 10.
- The first Computer Room is located in Water & Soil Conservation Building 2F room 216.
- The Second Computer Room(214) and the Third Computer Room(215) are located in Information Science Building 2F.
- For any problems, please contact Mr. Huang, Chia-Chin , User Services Group at (Tel) 04-22840306 Ext.723.
Web Space Applications
- Virtual Machine service, please contace Mr. Chung sheng Lu 04-22840306 Ext.766.
Hostname/Domain name
IP address to hostname,ex. address) to www.nchu.edu.tw(hostname)
For any issues please contact Ms. Chang, Ya-ting, The Information Networking group at (Tel) 04-22840306Ext. 761