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The Alumni Center was established in 1996 with the aim of strengthening friendships among alumni, supporting their technical development, fostering collaboration between NCHU and industries where alumni are active, enhancing teaching and research at NCHU, developing school projects, and perpetuating the spirit of NCHU through the values of integrity, humility, professionalism, and diligence. Since its inception, the Alumni Center has been bridging NCHU and its alumni through a range of services.

  1. Facilitating the initiation and advancement of alumni associations within individual departments, colleges, regional entities, and industries.
  2. Creating and managing a comprehensive database of alumni information for strategic utilization.
  3. Providing comprehensive alumni services.
  4. Assisting connections with alumni organizations both domestically and internationally, and supporting the promotion of alumni-driven initiatives.
  5. Ensuring accurate and up-to-date contact information for all alumni.
  6. Publishing of alumni magazines, including the annual "Alumni of National Chung Hsing University" magazine and specialized editions featuring outstanding alumni. Additionally, issuing electronic newsletters monthly to alumni.
  7. Promoting and recognizing the achievements of outstanding alumni.
  8. Supplying alumni with assistance and resources for technical support.
  9. Organizing networking events for alumni, including gatherings on campus and off-campus occasions, and providing support for accommodation arrangements and access to meeting room.
  10. Facilitating the issuance of alumni identification cards, supporting the promotion of NCHU Affinity Cards, and managing administrative and service-related issues.
  11. Spearheading fundraising efforts to support the planning and execution of school projects.
  12. Ensuring proper documentation and allocation of received donations.
  13. Facilitating partnerships with industries where NCHU alumni have influence or presence.
  14. Supervising the establishment and operation of alumni centers, while also fundraising for the construction of buildings and facilities.

Any feedback from alumni is welcome. This will help us improve our alumni services.

Location: Fifth floor, Administration Hall
Opening Hours: 8:00~17:00
Telephone: 886-4-2284-0249
Fax: 886-4-2285-4119