劉宏仁教授Hung-Jen Liu                      BACK

辦公室電話: 04-22840485#243
實驗室電話: 04-22840485#240







主要研究領域包括(1)分子病毒學; (2)生物科技; (3)生技及生醫之產業應用。


A. 基礎研究: virus-host interaction, signal transduction, and anti-cancer research (oncolytic avian reovirus)
  1. 抗癌研究:溶癌家禽里奧病毒蛋白(p17、σA、σC)調控human colorectal adenocarcinoma (SW620)、human cervical cancer (HeLa)、gastric cancer (AGS)、lung cancer (A549)及human liver hepatocellular cells (HepG2)等癌細胞之cell cycle、autophagy、apoptosis 及invapodia形成之機制。
  2. 抗癌研究: 溶癌家禽里奧病毒調控T細胞、NK細胞、macrophage之IFN-r/ TRAIL/DR4/DR5 pathway誘發人類胃癌細胞凋亡及做為臨床抗癌應用之評估研究。

  3. 抗癌研究:溶癌家禽里奧病毒調控人類周邊血液PBMC (T細胞、B細胞、NK細胞、macrophage)之免疫機制及調控。

  4. 鑑定溶癌家禽里奧病毒進入不同癌細胞之virus receptors。

  5. 溶癌家禽里奧病毒 (oncolytic avian reovirus) 抗癌平台之建立。

  6. 探討溶癌家禽里奧病毒σA蛋白調控癌細胞ATP formation、glycolysis、TCA cycle及酯肪酸代謝與病毒複製之關聯性。。

  7. 抗病毒研究:探討AICAR、aspirin 及salicylic acid 調控病毒複製之機序。

  8. 探討病毒進入細胞途逕及調控之訊息傳遞路徑及virus receptors之確認。

  9. 探討病毒調控cell cycle、cellular translation、ubiquitin/proteasome、ribosome、mTORC1、mTORC2、Beclin1、apoptosis及 autophagy之訊息傳遞路徑及影響病毒複製之機序。

  10. 探討病毒進出細胞核之機序及調控nuclear signaling與病毒複製之關係。

  11. Molecular chaperone Hsp90及TRiC調控病毒複製、蛋白穩定及成熟、病毒組裝之研究。

  12. Autophagy & exosome 調控 virus release 之研究。

B. 應用研究: 與業界產學合作進行產業化導向之研究,研發具產業化價值之生技產品。
  1. 白松露蛋白之抗癌、提升免疫力、促進細胞增生、改善腎eGFR及糖尿病之機制研究及應用。

  2. 研製重要單株抗體及快速檢測套組(ICT strip):研製重要單株抗體及人類HSV-2之快速檢測試劑(ICT strip)、 人類肺結核之快速檢測試劑(ICT strip)、寵物重要病原快速檢測試劑及其它具商業價值之ICT strip之研發。

  3. 次單位疫苗研發:禽流感(H5N2)、牛(BEFV)、豬 (PCV2、PRRSS)。

  4. 提升蛋白及酵素之表現量: 研發新穎酵母菌表面呈現系統surface display vectors、桿狀病毒surface display vectors 及多套表現載體。

  5. 研發可提升病毒增殖效力之平台。

  6. 以酵母菌表現系統表現抗菌胜肽及產業化應用。

  7. 飼料添加物: 建構以酵母菌surface display表現系統及多套表現載體表現消化酵素(耐高溫lipase、半乳糖酶、生長因子等)及產業化應用。



  1. 鳥禽遺傳資源暨動物生技研發中心-飼料消化酵素之研發(教育部深耕計畫; 2018-2022; 2023-2027)

  2. 探討chaperone Hsp90及TRiC調控家禽里奧病毒組裝及autophagy及exosome調控病毒釋放之機序 (科技部; 2020-2023)

  3. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(博士後研究員;科技部; 2020-2021; 2021-2022, 2022-2023)

  4. 以酵母菌系統表現抗菌胜肽 (童綜合醫院; 2021)

  5. 探討溶癌病毒家禽里奧病毒於不同癌細胞株之複製及癌細胞株之病毒受體(榮興計畫;台中榮總/興大; 2021)

  6. 提升α-半乳糖苷酶之表現量(農鶴企業有限公司; 2021-2023)

  7. 探討家禽里奧病毒調控癌細胞株之細胞激素及immune-checkpoint及Toll-like receptors (榮興計畫;台中榮總/興大; 2022)

  8. 提升澱粉酶及葡萄聚醣酶之表現量及量產條件之研究(農鶴企業有限公司; 2022-2024)

  9. 建構多套數酵母菌表現載體表現抗菌胜肽(童綜合醫院; 2022)

  10. 研發酵母菌表面呈現系統及酵母菌多套表現載體量產添加於豬飼料之耐熱及耐酸之脂肪酶及α-半乳糖苷酶(科技部開發型產學合作計畫; 2022-2023)

  11. 研發酵母菌表面呈現系統及酵母菌多套表現載體量產添加於豬飼料之耐熱及耐酸之脂肪酶及α-半乳糖苷酶(科技部開發型產學合作計畫/農鶴企業有限公司; 2022-2023)

  12. Lidocaine調控免疫之探討(嘉義基督教醫院; 2022, 2023)

  13. 研發酵母菌表現系統表現α-半乳糖苷酶及發酵槽大量量產之技術(農鶴企業有限公司; 2023-2025)

  14. 探討溶瘤家禽里奧病毒調控人外周血單核細胞及誘導胃癌細胞凋亡之分子機制(榮興計畫;台中榮總/興大; 2023)

  15. 探討溶瘤家禽里奧病毒調控不同癌細胞株之HIF-1α/c-myc/glut1路徑(童綜合醫院; 2023)

  16. 溶瘤家禽里奧病毒之癌细胞受体及訊號調控之病毒内吞作用及病毒活化人外周血單核細胞毒殺人胃癌腫瘤細胞之機制研究(科技部; 2023-2026)

  17. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(博士後研究員;科技部; 2023-2026)

  18. 諾麗及白松露對高脂飲食誘導小鼠脂肪肝之改善探討之研究計畫(材得生技有限公司; 2023-2024)

  19. 豬流行性下痢疾病診療教學服務計畫 (雲林縣動植物防疫所, 2023)

  1. 探討chaperone Hsp90及TRiC調控家禽里奧病毒組裝及autophagy及exosome調控病毒釋放之機序 (科技部; 2020-2023)

  2. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(博士後研究員; 科技部; 2020)

  3. 鳥禽遺傳資源暨動物生技研發中心-飼料消化酵素之研發(教育部深耕計畫; 2018-2022)

  4. 抗菌胜肽之研發 (童綜合醫院; 2020)

  5. α-半乳糖之表現及表現量之提升(農鶴公司; 2020-2021)

  6. 家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白調控肺腺癌細胞之Rab40b-TKs5 complex影響invadopodia formation之研究(榮興計畫; 2020)

  7. 家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白抑制癌細胞invadopodia之研究 (榮興計畫; 2019)

  8. 以桿狀病毒呈現載體表現禽流感病毒血球凝集素及神經胺酸酶(童綜合醫院; 2019)

  9. 2019國際動物生技研討會(科技部; 2019)

  10. 量產添加於動物飼料之耐高溫脂肪(農鶴公司; 2019-2020)

  11. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(2019) (博士後研究員;科技部; 2019)

  12. 量產添加於動物飼料之耐高溫脂肪(科技部開發型產學合作計畫; 2019-2020)

  13. 探討家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白調控PTEN/FAK/Src抑制癌細胞migration (榮興計畫;2018)

  14. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(博士後研究員; 科技部; 2018)

  15. 探討家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白之核質穿梭及調控CDK1/cyclin B1及CDK1/cyclin A2 complexes之機序(科技部; 2017-2020)

  16. 犬隻糞便病原之免疫層析檢測快篩試劑研發 (百衛生技公司; 2018-2019)

  17. 犬隻糞便病原之免疫層析檢測快篩試劑研發(科技部開發型產學合作計畫; 2018-2019)

  1. 家禽里奧病毒及p17蛋白調控細胞轉譯、細胞週期及 proteasome之機序探討及p17蛋白作為抗癌蛋白藥物之研究 (2/3)(科技部)

  2. 動物疫苗與免疫製劑之研發 (2014-2015) (興大頂尖計畫)

  3. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(2014-2016) (博士後研究員) (科技部)

  4. 犬溫熱病毒及犬小病毒單株抗體之生產 (百衛生物科技公司)

  5. 梨形鞭毛蟲CWP2基因選殖及CWP2蛋白之表現(中山動物醫院)

  6. 結合分枝桿菌MPT64抗原快篩劑之開發與應用 (南科/亞洲基因科技公司; 產學計畫)

  7. 基因選殖及表現耐熱酵素α-amylase (2014興大頂尖計畫)

  8. 家禽里奧病毒非結構性蛋白p17調控癌細胞轉譯作用及細胞週期之機序探討(榮興 計畫; 2015)

  9. 家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白調控癌細胞Tpr、p53及Hsp90蛋白及癌細胞週期與轉移之研究(榮 興計畫; 2016)

  10. Rhizopus oryzae轉形及基因表現系統建立之研究(善笙生技公司; 2016-2018)

  11. 家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白調控p53/PTEN及Rak抑制人類癌細胞株 migration與cell cycle之機序探討(榮興計畫; 2017)

  12. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(2017-) (博士後研究員) (科技部)

  13. 犬隻糞便病原之免疫層析檢測快篩試劑研發(科技部/百衛技公司;產學計畫; 2017-2018)

  14. 探討家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白之核質穿梭及調控CDK1/cyclin B1及 CDK1/cyclin A2 complexes之機序 (科技部2017-2020)

  1. 家禽里奧病毒進入宿主細胞之途徑及AMPK-MAPK p38、small G protein及autophagy在病毒 複製所扮演之角色(3/3) (國科會)

  2. 含活性胜肽的營養強化稻米之VVYP釋放量定量、生物活性分析及水稻品種育成: 含活性胜肽VVYP 之營養強化水稻優良品種選育及其調節血脂功能之研究 (國科會)

  3. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(2012) (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  4. Baculovirus 應用於禽類疫苗之研發 (2012) (興大頂尖計畫)

  5. 以桿狀病毒呈現系統量產禽流感HA次單位疫苗及量產最適條件之研究 (5/5)(農委會-防檢局)

  6. 建構高表現效率之桿狀病毒載體應用於研發PVC2 Cap次單位疫苗(2/3) (農委會-家衛所)

  7. 家禽里奧病毒P17蛋白調控宿主細胞PI3K-Akt-mTOR路徑之研究 (2012) (興大頂尖計畫)

  8. Src/JNK 及Akt/NF-kB訊號於牛流行熱病毒進入宿主細胞、誘發自噬體及病毒複製所扮演之角色及病毒複製抑制劑之篩選 (1/2)(國科會)
  9. 建構高表現效率之桿狀病毒載體應用於研發PVC2 Cap次單位疫苗(3/3) (農委會-家衛所)

  10. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (2013) (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  11. 家禽里奧病毒及p17蛋白調控細胞轉譯、細胞週期及 proteasome之機序探討及p17蛋白作為抗癌蛋白藥物之研究 (1/3)(國科會)

  12. 動物疫苗與免疫製劑之研發 (2013) (興大頂尖計畫)

  1. 家禽里奧病毒進入宿主細胞之途徑及AMPK-MAPK p38、small G protein及autophagy在病毒複製所扮演之角色(2/3) (國科會)

  2. 桿狀病毒呈現載體之研發及應用於犬隻疫苗之開發 (國科會-先導型產學合作計畫)

  3. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  4. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  5. 研發以桿狀病毒為載體研發禽流感疫苗:新型桿狀病毒載體之建構與改良及疫苗效力評估(5/5) (農委會防檢局)

  6. 建構高表現效率之桿狀病毒載體應用於研發PVC2 Cap次單位疫苗 (農委會家畜衛生試驗所)

  7. 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫 (經濟部)

  8. 桿狀病毒呈現載體之研發及應用於犬隻疫苗之開發(翔聖公司-產學合作計畫)

  1. Ubiquitin-proteasome system 調控家禽里奧病毒複製及sigma A 蛋白切割之研究(3/3) (國科會)

  2. 豬沙門氏菌口服雞隻特異性免疫球蛋白(IgY)之研發(2/2) (開發型產學合作) (國科會)

  3. 家禽里奧病毒進入宿主細胞之途徑及AMPK-MAPK p38、small G protein及autophagy在病毒複製所扮演之角色(1/3) (國科會)

  4. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  5. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  6. 禽流感之基因重組桿狀病毒疫苗之開發(4/4) (農委會防檢局)

  7. 台灣新城病毒V蛋白序列分析及生物功能分析 (農委會防檢局)

  8. 豬沙門氏菌口服雞隻特異性免疫球蛋白(IgY)之研發(2/2) (農鶴公司) (產學合作)

  9. 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫 (經濟部)

  1. Ubiquitin-proteasome system 調控家禽里奧病毒複製及sigma A 蛋白切割之研究(2/3) (國科會)

  2. 2009創新農業生物科技國際研討會 (國科會)

  3. 豬沙門氏菌口服雞隻特異性免疫球蛋白(IgY)之研發(1/2)(國科會開發型產學合作)

  4. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(國科會博士後研究員)

  5. 禽流感之基因重組桿狀病毒疫苗之開發(3/4) (防檢局)

  6. 台灣新城病毒血球凝集能力及親緣關係分析 (防檢局)

  7. 豬沙門氏菌口服雞隻特異性免疫球蛋白(IgY)之研發(1/2) (農鶴公司, 產學合作)

  8. 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫 (經濟部)

  1. Ubiquitin-proteasome system 調控家禽里奧病毒複製及sigma A 蛋白切割之研究(1/3) (國科會)

  2. 以RNA干擾技術及酵母菌雙雜合系統探討家禽里奧病毒之組裝及蛋白功能(3/3) (國科會)

  3. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  4. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  5. 以酵母菌表現系統表現家禽里奧病毒σC及σB蛋白研製 ELISA kit (防檢局)

  6. 以分子生物技術分析台灣新城病毒之F和HN蛋白變異 (防檢局)

  7. 開發禽流感之基因重組桿狀病毒疫苗(2/4) (防檢局)

  8. 以真核系統生產家禽流行性感冒病毒血清ELISA診斷套組 (防檢局)

  1. 家禽里奧病毒及sigma C誘發細胞凋亡訊息傳遞機序之研究(3/3) (國科會)

  2. 以RNA干擾技術及酵母菌雙雜合系統探討家禽里奧病毒之組裝及蛋白功能(2/3) (國科會)

  3. 微膠囊口服雞隻特異性免疫球蛋白(IgY)之研發 (國科會產學合作)

  4. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  5. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  6. 牛流行熱病毒之核酸探針檢驗試劑及ELISA kit之研發 (農委會;國家型科技計畫)

  7. 家禽流感病毒磁珠核酸探針檢測試劑之研發及應用 (防檢局)

  8. 家禽里奧病毒磁珠核酸探針檢測試劑之研發及應用 (防檢局)

  9. 基因重組桿狀病毒作為禽流感疫苗之建立及可行性評估(1/4) (防檢局)

  10. 台南縣休閒農場野生鳥類之禽類結核病感染分析委託調查計畫(台南縣家畜疾病防治所)

  11. 微膠囊口服雞隻特異性免疫球蛋白(IgY)之研發 (中國化學公司, 產學合作)

  1. 家禽里奧病毒及sigma C誘發細胞凋亡訊息傳遞機序之研究(2/3) (國科會)

  2. 以RNA干擾技術及酵母菌雙雜合系統探討家禽里奧病毒之組裝及蛋白功能(1/3) (國科會
  3. )
  4. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  5. 動物重要疾病之核酸探針檢驗試劑及ELISA kit之研發 (農委會, 國家型科技計畫)

  6. 牛流行熱病毒之即時定量RT-PCR檢測技術之研發與應用 (農委會防檢局)

  7. 應用微珠核酸探針檢測動物園野生鳥類之禽類結核病 (農委會防檢局)

  1. 應用單株抗體分析及定位家禽里奧病毒結構蛋白sigma A 及 sigma C之抗原決定位與生物功能(3/3) (國科會)

  2. 家禽里奧病毒及sigma C誘發細胞凋亡訊息傳遞機序之研究(1/3) (國科會)

  3. 應用酵母菌表達系統表現家禽里奧病毒sigma C及sigma B蛋白 (國科會
  4. )
  5. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  6. 家禽重要疾病之診斷及鑑定晶片 (防檢局)

  7. 家禽里奧病毒次單位抗原ELISA診斷試劑之研發 (防檢局)

  1. 家禽里奧病毒sigma NS 抗原決定位及單股RNA結合區之定位及sigma C致細胞融合特性分析(3/3) (國科會)

  2. 應用單株抗體分析及定位家禽里奧病毒結構蛋白sigma A及 sigma C 之抗原決定位與生物功能(2/3) (國科會)

  3. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫 (博士後研究員) (國科會)

  4. 流感病毒預防及控制- H5亞型禽流感病毒HA蛋白之單源抗體研發及應用 (國科會, 國家型科技計畫)

  5. 家禽重要疾病之診斷及鑑定晶片之研發 (III) (防檢局)

  6. 動物疫病診斷鑑定生物晶片之研發 (防檢局)

  1. 家禽里奧病毒sigma NS 抗原決定位及單股RNA結合區之定位及sigma C致細胞融合特性分析(2/3) (國科會)

  2. 應用單株抗體分析及定位家禽里奧病毒結構蛋白sigma A及 sigma C 之抗原決定位與生物功能(1/3) (國科會)

  3. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(博士後研究員)-1 (國科會)

  4. 延攬 (聘)科技人才計畫(博士後研究員)-2 (國科會)

  5. 家禽重要疾病之診斷及鑑定晶片之研發 (II) (防檢局)

  1. 家禽里奧病毒分子生物學之研究: 家禽里奧病毒S-class基因之選殖及病毒基因演化研究(3/3) (國科會)

  2. 家禽里奧病毒sigma NS 抗原決定位及單股RNA結合區之定位及sigma C致細胞融合特性分析(1/3) (國科會)

  3. 家禽里奧病毒sigma C 及 sigma B之基因選殖及表達 (國科會)

  4. 家禽重要疾病之診斷及鑑定晶片之研發(I) (防檢局)

  5. 高病原性家禽傳染性華氏嚷病毒分子生物學之研究及診斷試劑之研發 (防檢局)



近期著作期刊論文(*corresponding author)

  1. Chao-Yu Hsu, Yun Jang, Wei-Ru Huang, Chi-Young Wang, Hsiao-Wei Wen, Pei-Chien Tsai, Cheng-Yao Yang, Muhammad Munir, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of polycistronic baculovirus surface display vectors to simultaneously express viral proteins of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and analysis of their immunogenicity in swine. Vaccines 11, 1666, 2023.

  2. Tsai‑Ling Liao, Hung‑Jen Liu, Der‑Yuan Chen, Kuo‑Tung Tang, Yi‑Ming Chen, Po‑Yu Liu. SARS‑CoV‑2 primed platelets–derived microRNAs enhance NETs formation by extracellular vesicle transmission and TLR7/8 activation. Cell Communication and Signaling 21:304, 2023.

  3. Yi-Ying Wu, Te-Kai Sun, Ming-Shan Chen, Muhammad Munir, Hung-Jen Liu*. Oncolytic viruses-modulated immunogenic cell death, apoptosis and autophagy linking to virotherapy and cancer immune response. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology13:1142172, 2023.

  4. Wei-Ru Huang, Yi-Ying Wu, Tsai-Ling Liao, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Cell entry of avian reovirus modulated by cell-surface annexin A2 and adhesion G protein-coupled receptor latrophilin-2 triggers Src and p38 MAPK signaling enhancing caveolin-1- and dynamin 2-dependent endocytosis. Microbiology Spectrum 11: 3, 2023.

  5. Chao-Yu Hsu, Che-Hsueh Yang, Min-Che Tung, Hung-Jen Liu*, Yen Chuan Ou*. Robot-assisted urologic cancer surgery: current standards and future trends. Cancers , 15, 4288, 2023

  6. Mikael Cristofer Sitinjak, Jui-Kai Chen, Meng-Yuan Lee, Hung-Jen Liu, Chi-Young Wang. Characterization of a novel reporter system for beak and feather disease virus. Gene 867: 147371, 2023.

  7. Chao-Yu Hsu, Jing-Wen Huang, Wei-Ru Huang, I-Chun Chen, Ming-Shan Chen, Tsai-Ling Liao; Yu-Kang Chang, Muhammad Munir, Hung-Jen Liu*. Oncolytic avian reovirus σA-modulated upregulation of the HIF-1α/C-myc/glut1 pathway to produce more energy in different cancer cell lines benefiting virus replication. Viruses 15:523, 2023.

  8. Chao-Yu Hsu, Yun-Han Chen, Wei‐Ru Huang, Jing-Wen Huang, I-Chun Chen, Yu-Kang Chang, Chi-Young Wang, Ching-Dong Chang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Oncolytic avian reovirus σA‐modulated fatty acid metabolism through the PSMB6/Akt/SREBP1/acetyl-CoA carboxylase pathway to increase energy production for virus replication. Veterinary Microbiology 273:109545, 2022

  9. Chao-Yu Hsu, Chung-Yiu Hsieh, Cheng-Yao Yang, Yu-Kang Chang, Wen-Ling Shih, Chuan-Ming Yeh, Nien-Jen Hu, Ming-Shan Chen, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Sortase A fusion expression and mIFc2 co-expression of bovine lactoferricin and analysis of its antibacterial activity. Processes 10: 2470, 2022

  10. Yi-Ming Chen, Po-Yu Liu, Kuo-Tung Tang, Hung-Jen Liu, Tsai-Ling Liao.TWEAK-Fn14 axis induces calcium-associated autophagy and cell death to control Mycobacterial survival in macrophages. Microbiology Spectrum 10(6):e0317222, 2022.

  11. Jyun-Yi Li, Wei‐Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Oncolytic avian reovirus p17-modulated inhibition of mTORC1 by enhancement of the endogenous mTORC1 inhibitors binding to mTORC1 to disrupt its assembly and accumulation on lysosomes. Journal of Virology 96(17):e0083622, 2022

  12. Wei‐Ru Huang, Jyun-Yi Li, Yi-Ying Wu, Tsai-Ling Liao, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu*. p17-modulated Hsp90/Cdc37 complex governs avian reovirus replication by chaperoning p17, which promotes viral protein synthesis and accumulation of proteins σA and σC in viral factories. Journal of Virology 96(6): e00074-22, 2022.

  13. Wei‐Ru Huang, Jyun-Yi Li, Tsai-Ling Liao, Chuan-Ming Yeh, Chao-Yu Hsu, Yu-Kang Chang, Ching-Dong Chang, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Molecular chaperone TRiC governs avian reovirus replication by preventing outer-capsid protein σC and core protein σA and non-structural protein σNS from ubiquitin-proteasome degradation. Veterinary Microbiology 264: 109277, 2022

  14. Fang-Lin Liu, Shu-Ping Chang, Hung-Jen Liu, Pan-Chen Liu, Chi-Young Wang. Genomic and phylogenetic analysis of avian polyomavirus Taiwan isolates. Virus Research 308:196834, 2022

  15. Tsai-Ling Liao, Yi-Ming Chen, Shie-Liang Hsieh, Kuo-Tung Tang, Der-Yuan Chen, Ying-Ying Yang, Hung-Jen Liu, Sheng-Shun Yang. Hepatitis C virus-induced exosomal microRNAs and TLR7 polymorphism regulate B-cell activating factor. mBio 12(6): e02764-21, 2021.

  16. Tsai Ling Liao, Yi Ming Chen, Kuo TungTang, Po Ku Chen, Hung Jen Liu, Der Yuan Chen. MicroRNA 223 inhibits neutrophil extracellular traps formation through regulating calcium infux and Small extracellular vesicles transmission. Scientific Report 11:15676, 2021.

  17. Wen-Che Tsai, Hsin-Yi Yin, Ya-Ting Lin, Hung-Jen Liu, Chang-Yen Tseng, Hsiao-Wei Wen. A rapid lateral flow assay using immunomagnetic nanoparticles for detecting mango allergen residues in processed foods. Journal of Food Safety e: 12929, 2021.

  18. Tseng HH, Huang WR, Cheng CY, Chiu HC, Liao TL, Nielsen BL, Liu HJ*. Aspirin and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside attenuate bovine ephemeral fever virus replication by inhibiting BEFV-induced autophagy. Frontiers in Immunology 11: 556838, 2020.

  19. CUX2, BRAP and ALDH2 are associated with metabolic traits in people with excessive alcohol consumption. Chen IC, Kuo PH, Yang AC, Tsai SJ, Liu TH, Liu HJ*, Lan TH, Chen HM, Huang HN, Chung RH, Liu YL. Scientific Reports 10: 18118, 2020.

  20. Chen YY, Yang WC, Chang YK, Wang CY, Huang WR, Li JY, Wu HY, Chang CD, Nielsen BL, Liu HJ*. Construction of polycistronic baculovirus surface display vectors to express the PCV2 Cap(d41) protein and its immunogenicity of the expressed proteins in mice and swine. Veterinary Research, 51:112, 2020.

  21. Chen DY, Chen YM, Lin CF, Lo CM, Liu HJ, Liao TL. MicroRNA-889 inhibits autophagy to maintain mycobacterial survival in patients with latent tuberculosis infection by targeting TWEAK. mBio 11(1), e03045-19, 2020.

  22. Tung MC, Lu HY, Chang YK, Huang WR, Liao TL, Wu HY, Chang CD, Nielsen BL, Liu HJ*. Baculovirus surface display of the HA protein of H5N2 avian influenza virus and its immunogenicity against a lethal challenge with H5N1 virus in chickens. Veterinary Microbiology 243, 108640, 2020.

  23. Chen IC, Teng G, Chen CJ, Lan TH, Liu HJ*. The autonomic progress bar motivates treatment completion for patients of stimulant use disorder and cannabis use disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, 944, 2020.

  24. Santos HM, Tsai CY, Catulin GEM, Trangia KCG, Tayo LL, Liu HJ, Chuang KP. Common bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases in pigeons (Columba livia): A review of diagnostic and treatment strategies. Veterinary Microbiology 247:108779, 2020.

  25. Chiu HC, Huang WR, Wang YY, Li JY, Liao TL, Nielsen B, Liu HJ*. Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A1 and lamin A/C modulate nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of avian reovirus p17. Journal of Virology 93(20): 00851-19, 2019.

  26. Cheng CY, Tseng HH, Chiu HC, Chang CD, Nielsen BL, Liu HJ*. Bovine ephemeral fever virus triggers autophagy enhancing virus replication via upregulation of the Src/JNK/AP1 and PI3K/Akt/NF-κB pathways and suppression of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. Veterinary Research 50: 79, 2019.

  27. Wang Q, Huang WR, Chih WY, Chuang KP, Chang CD, Wu Y, Huang Y, Liu HJ*. Cdc20 and molecular chaperone CCT2 and CCT5 are required for the Muscovy duck reovirus p10.8-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Veterinary Microbiology 235:151-163, 2019.

  28. Quanxi Wang, Mengxi Liu, Yuan Chen, Lihui Xu, Baocheng Wu, Yijan Wu, Yifan Huang, Wei-Ru Huang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Muscovy duck reovirus p10.8 protein induces ER stress and apoptosis through the Bip/IRE1/XBP1 pathway. Veterinary Microbiology 228: 234-245, 2019.

  29. Pei-I Chi, Wei-Ru Huang, Hung-Chuan Chiu, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus σA-modulated suppression of lactate dehydrogenase and upregulation of glutaminolysis and the mTOC1/eIF4E/HIF-1α pathway to enhance ATP production are essential for virus replication. Cellular Microbiology 20:e12946, 2018.

  30. Hung-Chuan Chiu, Wei-Ru Huang, Jyung-Hurng Liu, Pei-I Chi, Brent L. Nielsen, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-JenLiu*. Mechanistic insights into avian reovirus p17-modulated suppression of cell-cycle CDK/cyclin complexes and enhancement of p53 and cyclin H interaction. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293(32):12542-12562, 2018.

  31. Su YH, Lin TY, Liu HJ*, Chuang CK*. A set of cancer stem cell homing peptides associating with the glycan moieties of glycosphingolipids. Oncotarget 9(29): 20490-20507, 2018

  32. Tsai-Ling Liao, Shie-Liang Hsieh, Yi-Ming Chen, Hsin-Hua Chen, Hung-Jen Liu, Hsiu-Chin Lee, Der-Yuan Chen. Rituximab may cause increased hepatitis C virus viremia in rheumatoid arthritis patients through declining exosomal microRNA-155. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 2018

  33. Wei-Ru Huang, Pei-I Chi, Hung-Chuan Chiu, Jue-Liang Hsu, Brent L. Nielsen, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus p17 and σA act cooperatively to downregulate Akt by suppressing mTORC2 and CDK2/cyclinA2 and upregulating proteasome subunit PSMB6. Scientific Reports 7: 5226-5244, 2017.

  34. Ching-Chun Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Book: Prospects of Plant-based Vaccines in Veterinary Medicine: chapter 12: Plant-made vaccines against avian reovirus. Springer Nature, Scientific Publishing Services, 2017

  35. Wu Y, Cui L, Zhu E, Zhou W, Wang Q, Wu X, Wu B, Huang Y, Liu HJ*. Muscovy duck reovirus σNS protein triggers autophagy enhancing virus replication.Virology Journal 14(1):53, 2017.

  36. Tsai-Ling Liao, Yi-Ming Chen, Hung-Jen Liu, Der-Yuan Chen. Risk and severity of herpes zoster in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving different immunosuppressive medications: a case-control study in Asia. BMJ Open 7:e014032, 2017.

  37. Hung-Chuan Chiu, Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Yi Wu, Muhammad Munir, Wing-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu*. Suppression of vimentin phosphorylation by the avian reovirus p17 through inhibition of CDK1 and Plk1 impacting the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Plos One 11(9):0162356, 2016.

  38. Tsai-Ling Liao, Chin-Fu Lin, Yi-Ming Chen, Hung-Jen Liu & Der-Yuan Chen. Risk Factors and Outcomes of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease among Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Case- Control study in a TB Endemic Area. Scientific Reports 6:29443, 2016

  39. Daniel Klionsky, Kotb Abdelmohsen, Akihisa Abe, Md Joynal Abedin, Hung-Jen Liu, et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring. Autophagy 12(1):1-222, 2016.

  40. Jing-Yu Wang, Pan Tang, Dan Tan, Li-Qin Wang, San-Dong Zhang, Yuan-Hao Qiu, Rui Dong, Wan-Hua Liu, Jing-Jing Huang, Ting Chen, Juan-Juan Ren, Ceng-Shan Li, Hung-Jen Liu*. The pathogenicity of chicken pathogenic Escherichia coli is associated with the numbers and combination patterns of virulence-associated genes. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 5: 243-254, 2015.

  41. Sin Ying Shen, Wei Chun Chang, Hsiang Heng Yi, Shinn-Shong Tsai, Hung Jen Liu, Pei-Chun Liao, Kuo Pin Chuang. Development of a subunit vaccine containing recombinant chicken anemia Virus VP1 and pigeon IFN-γ. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 167(3-4): 200-204, 2015, 2015.

  42. Liao, P. C., Wang, K. K., Tsai, S. S, Liu, H. J., Huang, B. H., Chuang, K. P. Recurrent positive selection and heterogeneous codon usage bias events leading to coexistence of divergent pigeon circoviruses in Taiwan. Journal of General Virology 96(8): 2262-2273, 2015.

  43. Ching-Yuan Cheng, Wei-Ru Huang , Pei-I Chi, Hung- huan Chiu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Cell entry of bovine ephemeral fever virus requires activation of Src-JNK-AP1 and PI3K-Akt-NFκB pathways as well as Cox-2-mediated PGE2/EP receptor signaling to enhance clathrin-mediated virus endocytosis. Cellular Microbiology 17(7): 967-987, 2015.

  44. Huang, W. R., Chiu, H. C., Liao, T. L., Chuang, K. P., Shih, W. L., Liu, H. J*. Avian reovirus protein p17 functions as a nucleoporin Tpr suppressor leading to activation of p53, p21 and PTEN and inactivation of PI3K/AKT/mTOR and ERK signaling pathways benefiting virus replication. PLos one10(8): e0133699, 2015.

  45. Ping-Yuan Lin, Hung-Jen Liu, Ching-Dong Chang, Yo-Chia Chen, Chi-I Chang, Wen-Ling Shih. Avian Reovirus S1133-induced Apoptosis is associated with Bip/GRP79-mediated Bim Translocation to the Endoplasmic Reticulum. Apoptosis 20(4): 481-90. 2015.

  46. Jing-Yu Wang, Zhan-Li Chen, Cheng-Shan Li, Xiao-lei Cao, Rui Wang, Chao Tang, Jing-Jing Huang, Ching-Dong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. The distribution of sialic acid receptors of avian influenza virus in the reproductive tract of laying hens. Molecular and Cellular Probes 29(2): 129-134, 2015.

  47. Jing-Yu Wang, Wan-Hua Liu, Juan-Juan Ren, Pan Tang, Ning Wu, Hung-Yi Wu ,Ching-Dong Ching, Hung-Jen Liu*. Characterization of emerging Newcastle disease virus isolates in China. Virology Journal 12:119, 2015.

  48. Huang SW, Ho CF, Chan KW, Cheng MC, Shien JH, Liu HJ, Wang CY. The genotyping of Infectious bronchitis virus in Taiwan by a multiplex amplification refractory mutation system reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. J Vet Diagn Invest, 26(6):721-733, 2014.

  49. Jing-Yu Wang, Ning Wu,Wan-Hua Liu, Juan-Juan Ren, Pan Tang, Yuan-Hao Qiu, Chi-Young Wang, Ching-Dong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. A repA-based ELISA for discriminating cattle vaccinated with Brucella suis 2 from those naturally infected with Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis. Molecular and Cellular Probes 28: 251-254, 2014.

  50. Hung-Chuan Chiu, Sarah Richart, Fong-Yuan Lin, Wei-Li Hsu, and Hung-Jen Liu*. The interplay of reovirus with autophagy. BioMed Research International (Formerly titled Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology) Vol. 2014, 2014.

  51. Ching-Yuan Cheng, Pei-I Chi, and Hung-Jen Liu*. Commentary on the regulation of viral proteins in autophagy BioMed Research International (Formerly titled Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology) Vol. 2014, 2014.

  52. Shinn Shyong Tsai, Yeng Ling Chang, Yen Li Huang, Hung Jen Liu, Guan Ming Ke, Chwei Jang Chiou, Yao Ching Hsieh, Tsung Chou Chang, Li Ting Cheng, Kuo Pin Chuang. Development of a loop- Mediated isothermal amplification method for rapid detection of pigeon circovirus. Archives of Virology, 159(5):921-926, 2014.

  53. Ho CF, Chan KW, Yeh HI, Kuo J, Liu HJ, Wang CY. Ketone bodies upregulate endothelial connexin 43 (Cx43) gap junctions. The Veterinary Journal 198(3):696-701, 2013. (IF: 2.424)

  54. Tzou-Chi Huang, Jen-Yu Chang, Hung-Jen Liu, Shinn-Shyong Tsai , Tsung-Chou Chang, Chi-Tang Ho, Kuo Pin Chuang. Eriodictyol decreases reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and inhibits p47phox clustering and translocation in monocytes. Journal of Food Biochemistry 37(4): 418-424, 2013. (IF: 0.756) (SCI).

  55. Jing-Yu Wang, Juan-Juan Ren, Wan-Hua Liu, Pan Tang, Ning Wu, Chi-Young Wang, Ching-Dong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Complete genome sequence of a new H9N2 avian influenza virus in China. GemomeA 1(3):e00261-13, 2013. (American Society of Microbiology (ASM)- new journal)

  56. Jing-Yu Wang, Wan-Hua Liu, Juan-Juan Ren, Pan Tang, Ning Wu,Hung-Jen Liu*. Complete genomic sequence of a newly emerging Newcastle disease virus. Gemome A, 1(3):e00196-13, 2013. (American Society of Microbiology (ASM)- new journal)

  57. Xingang Xu, Honglei Zhang, Qi Zhang, Yong Huang, Jie Dong, Yabing Liang, Hung-Jen Liu*, Dewen Tong*. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus N protein induces S-phase cell cycle arrest, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and up-regulates interleukin-8 expression. Veterinary Microbiology 164: 212-221, 2013. (Veterinary Science 2/145; IF: 3.33) (SCI).

  58. Xingang Xu, Honglei Zhang , Qi Zhang, Jie Dong, Yabing Liang, Yong Huang, Hung-Jen Liu*, Dewen Tong*. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus E protein causes endoplasmic reticulum stress and up-regulates interleukin-8 expression. Virology Journal 10:26, 2013. (IF: 2.35)(SCI).

  59. Pei I. Chi, Wei R. Huang , I-Hsiang Lai, Wei R. Huang , Ching Y. Cheng, Hung J. Liu*. The p17 nonstructural protein of avian reovirus triggers autophagy enhancing virus replication via activation of PTEN and AMPK as well as PKR/eIF2α signaling pathways. Journal of Biological Chemistry 28: 3571-3584, 2013. (IF: 4.78) (SCI).

  60. Jing-Yu Wang, Juan-Juan Ren, Yuan-Hao Qiu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Complete Genome Sequences of Six Avian-Like H1N1 Swine Influenza Viruses from Northwestern China. GemomeA 1(1): e00098-12, 2013. (American Society of Microbiology (ASM)-new journal)

  61. Pei-I Chi and Hung-Jen Liu*. Molecular signaling and cellular pathways for virus entry. ISRN Virology vol. 2013, article ID 306595, 8 pages, 2013. doi:10.5402/2013/306595, 2013. Invited review article.

  62. Chih H. Tsai, Xin G. Xu, De W. Tong, Jing Y. Wang, Hsin Y. Lu, Yi H. Chen, Ming T. Chiou , Ching D. Chang, Hung J. Liu* . Localization of the VP2 protein of canine parvovirus type 2 on the baculovirus envelop and its immunogenicity in a mouse model. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2, 178-185, 2012.

  63. Ching Y. Cheng , Wing L. Shih, I. H. Lai , Wei R. Huang, Pei-I Chi, Hung J. Liu* . Bovine ephemeral fever virus uses a clathrin-mediated and dynamin 2-dependent endocytic pathway that requires Rab5 and Rab7 as well as microtubules for endocytosis. Journal of Virology 86 (24):13653-13661, 2012. (IF: 5.402). (SCI)

  64. Xin-Gang Xu, Hong-Ni Zhao, Qi Zhang, Li Ding, Zhao-Cai Li, Wei Li, Hung-Yi Wu, Kuo Pin Chuang, De-Wen Tong, Hung-Jen Liu*. Oral vaccination with attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium expressing Cap protein of PCV2 and its immunogenicity in mouse and swine models. Veterinary Microbiology 157: 294-303, 2012. (IF: 3.33) (Veterinary Science 3/145). (SCI).

  65. Tsung-Hsien Chen, Ten-Hong Chen, Chung-Chi Hu, Jia-Teh Liao, Chin-Wei Lee, Jiunn-Wang Liao, Maw-Yeong Lin, Hung-Jen Liu, Min-Ying Wang, Induction of protective immunity in chickens immunized with plant-made chimeric bamboo mosaic virus particles expressing very virulent Infectious bursal disease virus antigen. Virus Research 166, 109-115, 2012. (IF: 2.941). (SCI).

  66. Hsin-Yu Lu, Yi-Hsuan Chen , Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus as vaccine vectors. Bioengineered 3 (5), 1-4, 2012. Invited review article.

  67. Xin-Gang Xu , Guang-Da Chen, Yong Huang, Li Ding, Zhao-Cai Li, Ching-Dong Chang, Chi-Young Wang, De-Wen Tong, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection of six swine DNA and RNA viruses. Journal of Virological Methods 183, 69-74, 2012. (IF: 2.139). (SCI).

  68. Wang ZS, Xu XG, Liu HJ, Li ZC, Ding L, Yu GS, Xu D, Tong DW. Immunogenicity of envelope GP5 protein displayed on baculovirus and protective efficacy against virulent porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus challenge in piglets. African Journal of Microbiology Research 5: 2682-2691, 2011. (IF: 0.528) (SCI).

  69. Xin-Gang Xu, Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhao-Cai Li, Li Ding , Wei Li, Ching-Dong Chang, Long-Huw, Lee, De-Wen Tong, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus as a PRRSV and PCV2 bivalent vaccine vector: baculovirus virions displaying simultaneously GP5 glycoprotein of PRRSV and capsid protein of PCV2. Journal of Virological Methods, 179: 359-366, 2012. (IF: 2.139). (SCI).

  70. Su-Ming Tsai, Hung-Jen Liu, Jui-Hung Shien, Long-Huw Lee, Po-Chung Chang, Chi-Young Wang. Rapid and sensitive detection of infectious bursal disease virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with a lateral flow dipstick. Journal of Virological Methods 181: 117-124, 2012. (IF: 2.139) (SCI).

  71. Wei R. Huang, Ying C. Wang, Pei-I Chi , Lai Wang, Chi Y. Wang, Chi H. Lin, Hung J. Liu*. Cell entry of avian reovirus follows a caveolin-1-mediated and dynamin-2-dependent endocytic p athway that requires activation of p38 MAPK and Src signaling pathways as well as microtubules and small GTPase Rab5 protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286:30780-30794, 2011. (IF: 5.33) (SCI).

  72. Ping Y. Lin, Hung J. Liu, Ching D. Chang, Chi I. Chang, Jue L. Hsu, Ming H. Liao, Jeng W. Lee, Wing L. Shih. Avian reovirus S1133-induced DNA damage signaling and subsequent apoptosis in cultured cells and in chickens. Archives of Virology 156: 1917-1929, 2011. (IF. 2.209). (SCI).

  73. Chi-Young. Wang, Hung-Jen Liu, Heng-Ju Chen, Yi-Chun Lin, Hsueh-Hsiao Wang, Ta-Chuan Hung, Hung-I Yeh. Age-BSA down-regulates endothelial connexin 43 gap junction. BMC Cell Biology 12:19, 2011. (IF. 2.464) (SCI).

  74. Z. S. Wang, X. G. Xu, H. J. Liu, Z. C. Li, L. Ding, G. S. Yu, D. W. Tong. Immunogenicity of the envelope GP3 protein of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus displayed on baculovirus. Acta Virologica Vol.55, No.2, p.139-146, 2011. (IF: 0.547) (SCI).

  75. Su-Ming Tsai, Yu-Chung Chiang, Li-Tzu Chin, Hung-Jen Liu*, Chi-Young Wang. Novel post-translational modifications of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins of avian influenza virus expressed by Kluyveromyces lactis. Journal of Virological Methods 175, 175-181, 2011. (IF: 2.139), (Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 70/160) (SCI).

  76. Xin-Gang Xu, Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhao-Cai Li, Hong-Ni Zhao, Wei Li, De-Wen Tong, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus virions displaying infectious bursal disease virus VP2 protein protect chickens against infectious bursal disease virus infection. Avian Disease 55(2): 223-229, 2011. (IF: 1.623) (Veterinary Science 24/145) (SCI).

  77. Yao-Ching Hsien, Cheng-Taung Wang, Keng-Yu Tsai, Chien-Ning Hung and Hung-Jen Liu*. Epidemiology, pathology and molecular biology of the first outbreak of bovine Babesia bovis infection in Taiwan. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 37 (2), 119-128, 2011.

  78. Shih-Wei Lu, Kuo-Chih Wang, Hung-Jen Liu, Ching-Dong Chang, Hao-Jen Huang, Ching-Chun Chang. Expression of avian reovirus minor capsid protein in plants. Journal of Virological Methods 173: 287-293, 2011. (IF: 2.139) (SCI).

  79. Xin-Gang Xu, Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhao-Cai Li, Hong-Ni Zhao, Wei Li, De-Wen Tong, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus surface display of E envelope glycoprotein of Japanese encephalitis virus and its immunogenicity of the displayed proteins in mouse and swine models. Vaccine 29: 636-643, 2011. (IF 3.572) (Medicine, Research &Experimental 25/106) (SCI).

  80. Feng-Lang Lin, Jue-Liang Hsu, Chi-I Chang, Chang-Hung Chou , Wen-Jun Wu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Activation of p38 MAPK by damnacanthal mediates apoptosis in SKHep 1 cells through the DR5/TRAIL and TNFR1/TNF-α and p53 pathways. European Journal of Phamacology 650:120-129, 2011. (IF: 2.737) (SCI).

  81. Wen T. Ji, Ying C. Wang, Feng, L. Lin, Ming H. Liao, Wing L. Shih, Hung J. Liu*. Inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and mTOR but not Akt enhance replication of bovine ephemeral fever virus. The Veterinary Journal 187: 119-123, 2011. (Veterinary Science 5/145) (IF: 2.796) (SCI).

  82. Shinn S. Tsai, Chin S. Yu, Wen B. Chung, Hui C. Pai, Yu L. Liu, Hung J. Liu , Maw Y. Lin, Li T. Cheng, Juo P. Chuang. Molecular cloning and structure characterization of the porcine TLR4 ectomain. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, Taiwan Veterinary Journal 36(4):279-287, 2011.

  83. Chen C.Y., Liu H. J., Tsai C. P., Chung C.Y., Shih Y. S., Chang P.C., Chiu Y. T., Hu Y.C. Baculovirus as an avian influenza vaccine vector: Differential immune responses elicited by different vector forms. Vaccine 28: 7644-7651, 2010. (IF 3.572) (Medicine, Research &Experimental 25/106) (SCI).

  84. Chiy-Rong Cen, Yun-Wen Liao, Lai Wang, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, Hung-Jen Liu,Wen-Ling Shih, Hsueh-Ling Cheng, and Chi-I Chang. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 58: 1639-1642, 2010. (Chemistry, multidiscisplinary 52/140) (IF: 1.507) (SCI)

  85. Tzou-Chi Huang, Kuo-Yao Tseng, Shinn-Shyong Tsai, Hung-Jen Liu, Chi-Tang Ho, Hong-Yuan Lin, Kuo Pin Chuang. Eriodictyol decreases very late antigen-4 (VLA-4) expression, cellular adhesion, and migration through an NF kappa B-dependent pathway in monocytes. Journal of Functional Foods 2:263-270, 2010. (IF: 1.308) (Food Science &Technology 49/126) (SCI).

  86. Julius L. C. Chulu, Wei R. Huang, L. Wang, Wen L. Shih, Hung J. Liu*. Avian reovirus p17 regulates G2/M cell cycle arrest and shutoff cellular translation involves activation of p53-dependent pathways. Journal of Virology 84: 7683-7694, 2010. (IF: 5.19) (SCI).

  87. Feng L. Lin, Chi Y. Wang, Kuo P. Chuang, Wei R. Huang, Ying C. Wang, Hung J. Liu*. Advanced glycation end products down-regulate gap junctions in human hepatoma SKHep 1 cells via the activation of Src-dependent ERK1/2 and JNK/SAPK signaling pathways. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58: 8636-8642, 2010. (IF: 2.816) (Agriculture & Multidisciplinary 2/55) (SCI).

  88. Guan M. ke, Kuo Pin Chuang, Ching D. Chang, Maw Y. Lin and Hung-Jen Liu*. Analysis of sequence and haemagglutinin activity of the HN glycoprotein of Newcastle disease virus. Avian Pathology 39(3):235-44, 2010. (IF: 1.967) (Veterinary Science 24/141) (SCI).

  89. Tzou-Chi Huang, Shinn-Shyong Tsai, Li-Fang Liu, Yu Lin Liu, Hung-Jen Liu, Kuo Pin Chuang. Effect of Arctium lappa L. in dextran sulfate sodium colitis mouse model. World J Gastroenterol, 16:4193-4199, 2010. (IF: 2.24). (SCI)

  90. Ping-Yuan Lin, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Ching-Dong Chang, Chi-I Chang, Hsueh-Ling Cheng, Jeng-Woei Lee, Wen-Ling Shih. Activation of PI 3-Kinase/Akt/NF-kappaB and Stat3 signaling by avian reovirus S1133 in the early stages of infection results in an inflammatory response and delayed apoptosis. Virology 400: 104-114, 2010. (IF: 3.305) (SCI)

  91. Guan-Ming Ke, Shin-Wei Yu, Chin-Hsiang Ho, Pei-Yu Chu, Liang-Ying Ke, Kuei-Hsiang Lin, Yen-Chin Tsai , Hung-Jen Liu*, Maw-Yeong Lin Characterization of newly emerging Newcastle disease viruses isolated during 2002-2008 in Taiwan. Virus Research 147(2):247-57, 2010. (IF: 2.905) (SCI).

  92. Wen T. Ji, Feng L. Lin, Ying C. Wang, Wing L. Shih, Long H. Lee, Hung J. Liu*. Intracellular cleavage of sA protein of avian reovirus. Virus Research 149:71-77, 2010. (IF: 2.905) (SCI).

  93. Chun-Yen Chen, Chin-Yang Chan, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Chi-I Chang, Jue-Liang Hsu, Wen-Ling Shih. Apoptosis induction in BEFV-infected Vero and MDBK cells through Src-dependent JNK activation regulates caspase-3 and mitochondria pathways. Veterinary Research 41(2):15, 2010. (IF: 3.765) (Veterinary Science 1/145) (SCI).

  94. Zi-Jiang Yang , Chi-Young Wang, Long-Huw Lee, Kuo-Pin Chuang, Yi-Yang Lien, Hsien-Sheng Yin, De-Wen Tong , Xin-Gang Xu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of ELISA kits for avian reovirus usingσB andσC proteins expr expressed in methyltropic yeast pichia pastoris. Journal of Virological Methods 163(2):169-74, 2010. (IF: 2.139) (SCI).

  95. Huang CC, Ji DD, Chiang YC, Teng HJ, Liu HJ, Chang CD, Wu YH. Prevalance and molecular characterization of Plasmodium inui among Formosan macaques (Macaca cyclopis) in Taiwan. J. Parasitology 96(1):8-15, 2010. (IF: 1.208) (SCI)

  96. Tzou-Chi Huang, Kuo Chiang Teng, Ying-Yi Liou, Chi-Tang Ho, Hung-Jen Liu, Kuo Pin Chuang. Diallyl disulphide, but not diallyl sulphide, increases leukocyte function associated antigen-1 expression and cellular adhesion in monocytes. Food Chemistry 120:113-120, 2010. (Food Science &Technology 5/126; IF: 3.458) (SCI).

  97. Hung-Jen Liu*. Introduction of immunoglobulin in yolk (IgY). CCPC Magazine 71: 28-33, 2009.

  98. Hung-Jen Liu*, Hsin-Yu Lu, Yu C. Hu. Introduction of recombinant baculovirus of avian influenza. Veterinary Medical Association of Tainan County 14 (3): 96-117, 2009.

  99. Hsieh, C. Y., Tung, M. C., Liu, H. J., Tsai, S. S. Isolation and identification of a new fish pathogen, Francisella-like bacterium (FLB) causing systemic granulomas in tilapias. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2009 (accepted & in press) (IF: 1.697) Veterinary Science 22/142) (SCI)

  100. Yao-Ching Hsieh, Shih-Hui Chen, Chi Y. Wang, Chien-Ning Hung, Shinn-Shyong Tsai, Hung-Jen Liu*. Diagnosis of avian tuberculosis in Swinhoe’s Pheasants using conventional and molecular-based techniques. Avian Diseases 53(4): 629-633, 2009. (IF:2.003) (Veterinary Science (Vet. Sci. 13/141) (SCI).

  101. Xin-Gang Xu, De-Wen Tong, Ming-Tang Chiou, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus surface display of NS3 nonstructural protein of classical swine fever virus. Journal of Virological Methods 159, 259-264, 2009. (IF: 2.133) (SCI).

  102. Julius L. C. Chulu, Hung J. Liu*. Cell cycle regulation. Recent Patent on Biotechnology 3 (1): 1-9, 2009. (SCI) (Invited review article)

  103. Wen T. Ji, Lai Wang, Ru C. Lin, Wei R. Huang, and Hung J. Liu*. Avian reovirus influences phosphorylation of several factors involved in host protein translation including eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2) in Vero cells. BBRC 384: 301-305, 2009. (IF: 2.548) (SCI)

  104. Chi H. Lin, Wen L. Shih, Feng L. Lin, Yao C. Hsieh, Yur R. Kuo, Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu*. Bovine ephemeral fever virus-induced apoptosis requires virus gene expression and activation of Fas and mitochondrial signaling pathway. Apoptosis 14: 864-877, 2009. (IF: 4.066) (SCI)

  105. Wen T. Ji, Long H. Lee, Feng, L. Lin , Lai Wang, Hung J. Liu*. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) facilitates avian reovirus to induce MKK3/6 and MAPK p38 signaling that is beneficial for virus replication. Journal of General Virology 90: 3002-3009, 2009.. (IF. 3.26) (SCI)

  106. Ping-Yuan Lin, Jeng-Woei Lee, Ming-Huei Liao, Hsue-Yin Hsu, Shu-Jun Chiu, Hung-Jen Liu*, Wen-Ling Shih. Modulation of p53 by Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Pathways and Protein Kinase C delta during Avian Reovirus S1133-induced Apoptosis. Virology 385:323-324, 2009. (IF 3.042) (SCI)

  107. Yueh H. Lin, Long H. Lee, Wen L. Shih, Yu C. Hu, Hung J. Liu*. Baculovirus surface display of σC and σB proteins of avian reovirus and immunogenicity of the displayed proteins in a mouse model. Vaccine 26: 6361-6367 2008.(IF 3.616) (SCI).

  108. Xin-Gang Xu and Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus surface display of E2 envelope glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus and immunogenicity of the displayed proteins in mouse model. Vaccine 26: 5455-5460, 2008. (IF: 3.616) (SCI).

  109. Wen T. Ji, Hung J. Liu*. PI3K-Akt signaling and viral infection. Recent Patent on Biotechnology 2 (3): 218-226, 2008. (SCI) (Invited review article)

  110. Ching-Ju Yeh, Ping-Yuan Lin, Ming-Huei Liao, Hung-Jen Liu, Jeng-Woei Lee, Shu-Jun Chiu, Hsue-Yin Hsu, Wen-Ling Shih. TNFα mediates pseudorabies virus-induced apoptosis via theactivation of p38 MAPK and JNK/SAPK signaling. Virology 581:55-66, 2008. (IF 3.042) (SCI).

  111. Xin-Gang Xu, Ming-Tang Chiou, Jian-He Hu, Miao-Tao Zhang, Yan-Ming Zhang, De-Wen Tong, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus surface display of Erns envelope glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus. Journal of Virological Methods 153:149-155, 2008 (IF: 2.133) (SCI).

  112. Hung-Jen Liu . Ping-Yuan Lin, Ling-Rung Wang, Hsue-Yin Hsu, Ming-Huei Liao, Wen-Ling Shih. Activation of small Gtpase Rho A and Rac 1 is required for avian reovirus p10-indiuced syncytiun formation. Molecule and Cells 26: 396-403, 2008. (IF: 1.878) (SCI)

  113. Yu T. Chen, Chi H. Lin, Shu K. Li, Wen T. Ji, Hung J. Liu*. Proteasome inhibition reduces avian reovirus replication and apoptosis induction in cultured cells. Journal of Virological Methods 151(1): 95-100, 2008. (IF: 2.133) (SCI).

  114. Shu K. Li, Chi H. Lin, Yu T. Chen, Long H, Lee, Hung J. Liu*. Development of a reliable assay protocol for identification of diseases (RAPID)-bioactive amplification with probing (BAP) for detection of avian reovirus. Journal of Virological Methods 149: 35-41, 2008. (IF: 2.133) (SCI).

  115. Wu, Y. P., H. J. Liu, J. H. Hsien,L. H. Lee. Avian reovirus gene expression is required for the induction of chicken IL-1B mRNA expression in chicken peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Journal of General Virology 89:1059-1068, 2008. (IF: 3.26) (SCI)

  116. Chi-Young Wang, Chia-Jen Hsu, Heng-Ju Chen, Julius L. C. Chulu, and Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of a reliable assay protocol for identification of diseases (RAPID)-bioactive amplification with probing (BAP) for detection of Newcastle disease virus. Veterinary Microbiology 130(1-2): 28-36. 2008. (IF: 2.874) (Veterinary Science 4/141) (SCI).

  117. Wen T. Ji, Julius L. C. Chulu, Feng, L. Lin, Sue K. Li, Long H. Lee, Hung J. Liu*. Supression of S-class genes of avian reovirus by RNA interference. Veterinary Microbiology 129 (34): 252-261, 2008. (IF: 2.874) (Veterinary Science 4/141) (SCI).

  118. Julius L. C. Chulu, Wen T. Ji, Shieh L. Cheng, Wen L. Shih, Hung J. Liu*. Avian reovirus p17 protein causes G2/M cell cycle arrest through inhibition of p34Cdc2. Journal of International Cooperation, 2(1) 12-25, 2007.

  119. Liu, H. J.* and Yao C. Hsieh. Control and prevention of avian influenza virus. Science Development 417: 62-69, 2007.

  120. Chi Y. Wang , Yu L. Luo, Yu T. Chen,Shu K. Li, Chi H. Lin, Yao C. Hsieh, Hung J. Liu*. The cleavage of the hemagglutinin protein of avian influenza virus in Pichia pastoris. Journal of Virol. Methods 146:293-297, 2007. (IF: 2.133) (SCI).

  121. Sue T. Chuang , Wen T. Ji, Yu T. Chen, Chi H. Lin, Yao C. Hsieh, Hung J. Liu*. Suppression of bovine ephemeral fever virus by RNA interference. Journal of Virological Methods 145(1): 84-87, 2007. (IF: 2.133) (SCI)

  122. Shen, P. C., Chiou, Y. F., Liu, H. J., Song, C. H., Su, Y. P., Lee, L. H. Genetic variation of the λA and λC protein encoding genes of avian reovirus. Research in Veterinary Science 83 (3): 394-402, 2007. (IF: 1.345) (Vet. Sci. 40/141) (SCI)

  123. Su, Y. P., J. H. Shien, H. J. Liu, H. S. Yin, and L. H. Lee. Avian reovirus core protein {micro}A expressed in Escherichia coli possesses both NTPase and RTPase activities. Journal of General Virology 88: 1797-1805, 2007. (IF: 3.26) (SCI)

  124. Yung Fu Wu, Hung Jen Liu, Shiow Her Chiou, and Long Huw Lee. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of interleukin (IL)-1b-encoding genes of five avian species and structural and functional homology among these IL-1b proteins. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 116: 37-46, 2007. (IF: 1.963) (Veterinary Science 14/141) (SCI)

  125. Y. Y. Lien, S. C. Sheu, H. J. Liu, S. C. Chen, M. Y. Tsai, S. C. Luo, K. C. Wu, S. S. Liu, H. Y. Su. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the second internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA for three species of Eimeria from chickens in Taiwan. The Veterinary Journal 173 (1): 186-191, 2007. (IF: 2.323) (Veterinary Science 6/141) (SCI)

  126. Hsiao-Ping Lee, Yi-Chen Ho, Wen-Hsin Lo, Hung-Jen Liu*and Yu-Chen Hu. Variation of baculovirus-harbored transgene transcription among mesenchymal stem cell-derived progenitors leads to varied expression. Biotechnology & Bioenginering 97 (3): 649-655, 2007. (Selected as the spotlight paper) (IF: 3.37) (SCI)

  127. Yang, D. G.,Chung , Y. C., Lai, Y. K., Lai, C. W., Liu, H. J*., Hu, Y. C. Display of avian influenza virus hemagglutinin on baculovirus envelope:effect of cytoplasmic domain on virus properties and potentials as vaccine. Molecular Therapy 15(5): 989-996, 2007. Corrigendium 15(9):1736-1736. (IF: 6.239) (SCI)

  128. Hsin Y. Lin, Sue T. Chuang, Yu T. Chen, Wen L. Shih, Ching D. Chang, Hung J. Liu*. Apoptosis induction by avian reovirus related to tissue injury. Avian Pathology 36 (2):155-159, 2007. (IF: 1.6) (Veterinary Science 24/141) (SCI)

  129. Julius L. C. Chulu, Long H. Lee, Ya C. L ee, Shu H. Liao, Wen L. Shih, Hung J. Liu*. Apoptosis induction by avian reovirus through P53 and mitochondrial pathways. BBRC 356: 529-535, 2007. (IF: 2.548) (SCI)

  130. Liu, H. J.* Control and prevention of avian influenza virus. Journal of Taiwan Veterinary Medical association 3: 103-106, 2006.

  131. Feng L. Lin, Hung J. Liu, Che F. Lu. The in vivo study of ellagitanin-contained herbs on the hepatic protection activities in mice. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 32(1):7075, 2006.

  132. Hung J. Liu*, Hung Y. Su, Chia C. Yin, Yao. C. Hsieh ,Chung D. Chang, Chiang H. Chiang, Yeong H. Wu, Suen C. Lin. Molecular identification of the causative agents of monocytoic and granulocytic Ehrlichiosis in Taiwanese dogs by nested PCR, IFA and sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 32 (2); 76-86, 2006.

  133. Ping-Yuan Lin, Hung-Jen Liu, Hsue-Yin Hsu , Jeng-Woei Lee, Wen-Ling Shih. Avian Reovirus Activates a Novel Proapoptotic Signal by Linking Src to p53. Apoptosis 11:2179-2193, 2006. (IF: 4.066) (SCI)

  134. Yu C. Hu, Yu L. Luo, Wen T. Ji , Julius L. C. Chulu, Poa C. Chang, Chi Y.Wang, Hung J. Liu*. Dual expression and analysis of the HA protein of H5N2 avian influenza virus. Journal of Virol. Methods 135: 43-48, 2006.(IF: 2.133) (SCI)

  135. Liang K. Huang, Sin C. Liao, Ching C. Chang, Hung J. Liu*. Expression of avian reovirus sigma C protein in transgenic plants. Journal of Virological Methods 134:217-222. 2006. (IF: 2.133) (SCI)

  136. Yu P. Su, Bor S. Su, Jui H. Shien, Hung J. Liu*, and Long H. Lee. The sequences phylogenetic analysis of avian reovirus genome segments M1 and M2 encoding the minor core proteinuA and the major outer capsid proteinuB, respectively. Journal of Virological Methods 133 (2):146-157, 2006. (IF: 2.133) (SCI)

  137. Guan M. Ke, H. L. Cheng, Liang Y. Ke, Wen T. Ji, Julius L. C., Tien J. Chang, Hung J. Liu*. Development of a quantitative light cycler real-time RT-PCR for detection of avian reovirus. Journal of Virological Methods 133(1): 6-13, 2006. (IF: 2.133) (SCI)

  138. Cheng, H., Chang, S. M., Cheng, Y.W., Liu, H. J., Chen, Y. C. Characterization of the activities of p21(Cip1/Waf1) promoter-driven reporter systems during camptothecin-induced senescence- likestate of BHK-21 cells. Molecular and Cellullar Biochemistry 291:29-38, 2006. (IF:1,896) (SCI).

  139. Chien J. Hsu, Chi Y. Wang, Long H. Lee, Wen L. Shih, Chi I. Chang, Hsueh L. Cheng, Julius L. C. Chulu, Wen T. Ji, Hung J. Liu* . Development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against avian reovirus sC protein and their application indetection of avian reovirus isolates. Avian Pathology 35(4): 320-326, 2006. (IF: 1.6) (Veterinary Science 24/141) (SCI)

  140. Feng L. Lin, Hung J. Liu, Che F. Lu. The in vitro study of ellagitanin-contained herbs on the hepatic protection activities. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 31(3): 77-84, 2005.

  141. Yao C. Hsieh, Shih H. Chen, Jing Y. Huang, Yen F. Lee, Keng Y. Tsai, Hung J. Liu*. Virus identification and serum antibody monitoring of bovine ephemeral fever in Tainan county during 2002-2004. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 31(3): 85-94, 2005.

  142. Hung-Jen Liu, Ping-Yuan Lin, Jeng-Woei Lee, Hsue-Yin Hsu,Wen-Ling Shih. Retardation of cell growth by avian reovirus p17 through the activation of p53 pathway. BBRC 336: 709-715, 2005. (IF: 2.548) (SCI)

  143. Yao C. Hsieh, Shih H. Chen, Chun S. Chou, Hsu W. Hsiao, Yen F. Lee, Hung J. Liu*. Development of a reliable assay protocol for identification of disease (RAPID)-bioactive amplification with probing (BAP) for detection of BEFV. Journal of Virological Methods 129:75-82, 2005. (IF: 2.133) (SCI)

  144. Hsiao W. Hsu, Hung Y. Su, Pi S. Huang, Long H., Lee and Hung J. Liu*. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of P10- and P17-encoding genes of avian reovirus. Avian Diseases 49 (1): 36-42, 2005. (Veterinary Science 13/141)(IF: 2.003) (SCI)

  145. Pei C.Wu, Hung Y. Su, Der T. Lin, Pei C. Yen, Long H. Lee, Hung J. Liu*. Secreted expression of the VP2 protein of very virulent IBDV in Pichia pastoris. Journal of Virological Methods 123: 221-225, 2005. (IF: 2.133) (SCI)

  146. Feng L. Yu, Hung J. Liu, Jeng W. Lee, Ming H. Liao, Wen L. Shih. Hepatitis B virus X protein promotes cell migration by inducing matrix metalloprotrinase-3. Journal of Hepatology 42: 520-527, 2005. (IF: 7.818) (SCI)

  147. Pi H. Huang, Ying J. Li, Yu P. Su, Long H. Lee, and Hung J. Liu*. Epitope mapping and functional analysis of sigma A and sigma NS proteins of avian reovirus. Virology 332: 584-595, 2005. (IF: 3.042) (SCI)

  148. Yeong H. Wu, Shyue L. Lee, Sheng H. Jin, Hung J. Liu, Yi Y. Lien, and Ching D. Chang. Case report: A sudden death case and anthelmintic treatment in giraffes infected with haemonchus contortus. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 30 (1):20-25, 2004.

  149. Ku S. Yei, Yeong H. Wu, Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu, Ching D. Chang, and Chung J. Shiau. Difficulties in eradication of tuberculosis infected cows from the infected dairy herds in Taiwan. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 30 (1): 56-63, 2004.

  150. Maw Y. Lin, Hung J. Liu, Min C. Tsai, Liang C. Kuo, and Jen H. Chen. Protectivity and Antibody Response of Seven Avian Reovirus Live Vaccines in SPF Chickens. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 30(4): 256-263, 2004.

  151. Yao-Chi Chung, Hung-Jen Liu and Yu-Chen Hu. Facile monitoring of avian reovirus sB expression and purification processes by tagged green fluores-cent protein. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 35: 494-500, 2004. (SCI)

  152. Hung Y. Su, Hung J. Liu, Shih C. Chen, Chen T. Lin, Yi Y. Lien, Winston T. K. Cheng. A novel gene homologous to teashirt is differentially expressed in neonatal mouse skin during development of hair follicles. Molecular Biotechnology 28: 9-20, 2004. (SCI)

  153. Hung Y. Su, Winston T. K. Cheng, Shih C. Chen, Chen T. Lin, Yi Y. Lien, Hung J. Liu, Stewart, R. Gilmour. Mouse keratinocytes c98, anovel gene homologous to bcl-2, that is stimulated by insulin-like growth factor 1 and prevents dexamethasone-induced apoptosis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- gene expression & structure 1676:127-137, 2004. (SCI)

  154. Chia J. Chang, Wen L. Shih, Feng L. Yu, Ming H. Liao, and Hung J. Liu*. Apoptosis induced by bovine ephemeral fever virus. Journal of Virological Methods 122: 165-170, 2004. (SCI)

  155. Pao N. Chen, Hung J. Liu, Jui H. Shien, Long H. Lee. Antibody responses against avian reovirus nonstructural protein sNS in experimently virus-infected chickens monitored by a monoclonal antibody capture enzyme-linked immune- sorbent assay. Research in Veterinary Science 76:219-225, 2004. (SCI)

  156. Hung J. Liu*, Long H. Lee, Wen L. Shih ,Ying J. Li, Hung Y. Su. Rapid characterization of avian reovirus by phylogenetic analysis, polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism. Avian Pathology 33, 171-180, 2004. (SCI)

  157. Wen L. Shih, Hsiao W. Hsu, Ming H. Liao, Long H. Lee, Hung J. Liu*. Avian reovirus sC protein induces apoptosis in cultured cells. Virology, 321: 65-74, 2004. (SCI)

  158. Chia C. Yin, Hung J. Liu* , Suen C. Lin, Ming H. Liao, Yeong H. Wu. Identification of Ehrlichi canis in cats by nested polymerase chain reaction and nucleotide sequence analysis. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 29(2), 122-128, 2003.

  159. Maw Y. Lin, Hung J. Liu*, Guan M. Ke. Genetic and antigenic studies of Newcastle disease viruses from recent outbreaks in Taiwan. Avian Pathology 32(4), 345-350, 2003. (SCI)

  160. Hung J. Liu*, L. H. Lee, Wen L. Shih, Maw Y. Lin, Ming H. Liao. Detection of infectious bronchitis virus by multiple polymerase chain reaction and nucleotide sequence analysis. Journal of Virological Methods, 109: 31-37, 2003. (SCI)

  161. Pai, W. C., Hung J. Liu , Long H. Lee. Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against avian reovirus S1133 proteinσA synthesized on Escherichia coli. Veterinary Microbiology 91(4): 309-323, 2003. (SCI)

  162. Hung J. Liu*, Long H. Lee, Hsiao W. Hsu, Lian C. Kuo, Ming H. Liao. Molecular evolution of avian reovirus: Evidence for genetic diversity and reassorement of the the S-class genome segments and multiple cocirculating lineages. Virology 314: 336-349, 2003. (SCI)

  163. Gan N. Chang, Bor S. Su, Jenn H. Chiou, Hung J. Liu, Shinn S. Tsai. Identification of porcine circovirus infection in Taiwan by using polymerase chain reaction, analysis of DNA sequence and in situ hybridization. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, 28(3):186-194, 2002

  164. Yu C. Hu, Hung J. Liu*, and Yao C. Chung. High level expression of the key antigenic protein, σC, from avian reovirus into insect cells and its purification by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. Biotechnology Letters 24: 1017- 1022, 2002. (SCI)

  165. Hung J. Liu*, Liam C. Kuo, Yu C. Hu, Ming H. Liao, Yi Y. Lien. Development of an ELISA for the detection of antibodies to avian reovirus in chickens. Journal of Virological Methods 102, 129-138, 2002. (SCI)

  166. Suen C. Lin, Tu C. H., , Tsai, J. F., Lee, Y. G., Yeong H. Wu, Hung J. Liu, Ming H. Liao. Laboratory report of clinical pathology. Kaoshiung City Veterinary Medicial Association 49: 12-18, 2001.

  167. Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu, Ching D. Chang, Rey. S. Chern. Detection of pseudorabies virus infected pigeon. The Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 10(3): 195-200, 2001.

  168. Jiin L. Lin, Che F.Lu, Feng L. Lin, Ching D. Chang, Hung J. Liu. Residue determination of cephalexin in swine. Journal of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Medicine 27 (4): 295-303, 2001.

  169. Hung J. Liu*, Guan M. ke, Hsiao W. Hsu, Maw Y. Lin, Minh H. Liao, and Yeong H. Wu. Rapid identification of avian mycoplasma using species-specific and nested polymerase chain reaction. Journal of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Medicine 27 (1):1-8, 2001.

  170. Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu, Maw Y. Lin, Ming C. Tung. Detection of Pseudorabies virus in tissues using in situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction techniques. Journal of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Medicine 27(1): 19-26, 2001.

  171. Horng L. Lay, Hung J. Liu*, Ming H. Liao, Chien C. Chen, Sin Y. Liu, Bor W. Sheu. Genetic characterization of Chinese drug materials in Yams (Dioscorea spp.) by RAPD analysis. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 9(3):132-138, 2001. (SCI)

  172. Hung J. Liu*, Jen H. Chen, L. C. Kuo, M. Y. Lin, Ming, H. Liao. Molecular characterization of highly virulent infectious bursal disease viruses in Taiwan. Research in Veterinary Science 70: 139-147, 2001. (SCI)

  173. Guan M. Ke, Hung J. Liu*, Maw Y. Lin, Jen H. Chen, P. C. Chang, S. S. Tsai. Molecular characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from recent outbreaks in Taiwan. Journal of Virological Methods 97: 1-11, 2001. (SCI)

  174. Hung J. Liu*, Pi H. Huang. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses of the- encoded gene of avian reovirus. Journal of Virological Methods 98: 99-107, 2001. (SCI)

  175. Hong Y, Chia Y. Lin, Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu, Ching D. Changn, Ming C. Tung. Detection of formosan gem-faced civets (Paguma larvata taivana) infected by pseudorabies virus. The Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 9(3):205-212, 2000.

  176. M. Y. Lin, Hung J. Liu, Chung S. Yang, Liam C. Kuo, We L. Huang. Serological survey on the prevalence of avian leucosis in chickens in Taiwan by enzyme-linked immunosorbent asssay. Journal of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Medicine, 26(3): 161-166, 2000.

  177. Hung J. Liu*, Liam J. Murphy., Ming H. Liao, Ching D. Chang, Maw Y. Lin. Cloning and characterization of the promoter for the mouse insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 gene. Journal of Chinese Society of Veterinary Science, 26 (3): 167-174, 2000.

  178. Hung J. Liu*, Yeong H. Wu, Ming C. Tung, Ching D. Chang, Maw Y. Lin. Detection of mycoplasma using two-step polymerase chain reaction. The Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 9 (2):109-115, 2000.

  179. Hung J. Liu*, J. J. Giambrone, Yeong H. Wu, Ming H. Liao, Che F. Lu. The use of monoclonal antibody probes for the detection of avian reovirus antigens. Journal of Virological Methods 86: 115-119, 2000. (SCI)

  180. Hung J. Liu*. Tissue print hybridization and reverse transcriptase PCR in the detection of infectious bursal disease viruses in bursal tissue. Research in Veterinary Science 68: 99-101, 2000. (SCI)

  181. M. Y. Lin, Hung J. Liu, B. S. Huang, H. T. Sung. Serological survey on the prevalence of chicken infectious anemia in chicken by enzyme-linked immunosorbent asssay. Taiwan Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 69:131-135, 1999.

  182. M. H. Liao, T. Chang, C. D. Chang, H. J. Liu, M. C. Tung. Epidemiology survey of pseudorabies antibody among sows in Taiwan. The Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 8(4): 295-300, 1999.

  183. Yeong H. Wu, Ching. D. Chang, Hung. J. Liu, Suen C. Lin, Jun F. Tsai, June W. Cheng and T. Chang. The reference values of routine clinical examinations in formosan gem-faced civets (Paguma larvata taivana). Journal of Chinese Society of Veterinary Science 25 (4): 283-289, 1999.

  184. Chang, Z. H., C. H. Tu, Y. Lin, S. C. Wei, S. C. Lin, Y. H. Wu, M. H. Liao, H. J. Liu, T. C. Chang, S. S. Tsai, C. D. Chang. Esophageal perforation, esophagobronchial fistula and inhalation pneumonia secondary to esophageal foreign body obstruction in a dog. Kaoshiung City Veterinary Medicial Association 41:42-48, 1999.

  185. Hung J. Liu*, Ming H. Liao, Ching D. Chang, Jen H. Chen, Maw Y. Lin, Ming C. Tung. Comparison of two techniques for the detection of avian reoviruses in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded chicken tissues. Journal of Virological Methods 80:197-201, 1999. (SCI)

  186. Hung J. Liu*, Jen H. Chen, Ming H. Liao, Maw Y. Lin, Gan N. Chang. Identification of theσC-encoded gene of avian reovirus by nested PCR and restriction endonuclease analysis. Journal of Virlogical Methods 81:83-89, 1999. (SCI)

  187. Hung H. J.*. Regulation of the mouse IGFBP3 promoter by GH, IGF-I, and insulin. Taiwan Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 60-63, 1998.

  188. Chang, C. D., Y. H. Wu, C. H. Tu, M. H. Liao, H. J. Liu, T. C. Chang, S. C. Lin, S. S. Tsai. Esophageal perforation complicated with pyothorax in a formosan black bear. Animal Health Bulletin 11:29-32, 1998.

  189. Chang, C. D., Y. H. Wu, C. H. Tu, M. H. Liao, H. J. Liu, T. C. Chang, S. C. Lin, S. S. Tsai. A concomitant case of purulent meningoencephalitis and pnuemonyssus simicola infection in a pig-tailed macaque. Animal Health Bulletin 10:1-5, 1998.

  190. Hung J. Liu, J. J. Giambrone, Brent L. Nielsen. Molecular characterization of avian reoviruses using nested PCR and nucleotide sequence analysis. Journal of Virological Methods 65: 159-167: 1997. (SCI)

  191. Hung J. Liu, Joseph J. Giambrone. Amplification, cloning, and sequencing of the C-encoded gene of avian reovirus. Journal of Virological Methods 63: 203-208: 1997. (SCI)

  192. Hung J. Liu, Joseph J. Giambrone. In situ detection of reovirus in formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded chicken tissues using a digoxigenin-labeled cDNA probe. Avian Diseases 41: 447-451, 1997. (SCI)

  193. Hung J. Liu, J. J. Giambrone. Characterization of a cloned non-radioactive cDNA probe for detecting avian reoviruses. Avian Diseases 41: 374-378: 1997. (SCI)

  194. Hung J. Liu, J. J. Giambrone, T. Dormitorio. Detection of genetic variations in serotype I isolates of infectious bursal disease virus using polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis. Journal of Virological Methods 48:281-191: 1994. (SCI)

研討會論文(* Corresponding author)

  1. Jing-Wen Huang, Chao-Yu Hsu, Wei-Ru Huang, I-Chun Chen, Ming-Shan Chen, Tsai-Ling Liao, Yu-Kang Chang, Muhammad Munir, and Hung-Jen Liu*. Oncolytic avian reovirus σA enhances glycolysis and glutaminolysis to produce more energy in different cancer cell lines through the HIF-1α/c-myc/glut1 pathway benefiting virus replication. 112年度童醫院院內暨童興計畫成果發表會,2023.

  2. Yi-Ying Wu, Feng-Hsu Wu, I-Chun Chen, Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu. Oncolytic avian reovirus-modulated immunogenic apoptosis linking to virotherapy and gastric cancer immune response. 112年度童醫院院內暨童興計畫成果發表會,2023.

  3. Wei-Ru Huang, Yi-Ying Wu, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Jen Liu*. Cell entry of avian reovirus modulated by cell-surface annexin A2 and adhesion G protein-coupled receptor Latrophilin 2 triggers Src and p38 MAPK signaling enhancing caveolin 1- and dynamin 2-dependent endocytosis. 112年度童醫院院內暨童興計畫成果發表會,2023.

  4. Hung-Jen Liu. Oncolytic avian reovirus σA enhances glycolysis and glutaminolysis to produce more energy in different cancer cell lines through the HIF-1α/c-myc/glut1 pathway benefiting virus replication. 112年度童醫院院內暨童興計畫成果發表會,2023.(invited speaker)

  5. Wei-Ru Huang and Hung-Jen Liu*. Oncolytic avian reovirus activates the IKK/NFκB pathway through TRiC and Hsp90 chaperones promoting cellular autophagy to facilitate viral replication. The 2023 Fall Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2023. (榮獲壁報論文競賽優勝及獎金)

  6. Yi-Ying Wu, Ming-Shan Chen, Feng-Hsu Wu, I-Chun Chen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Lidocaine modulates normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells immunosuppression and anti-tumor effect of gastric tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. The 2023 Fall Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2023. (Oral presentation)

  7. Yi-Ying Wu, Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, and Hung-Jen Liu. Oncolytic avian reovirus regulates cytokines and immune-checkpoint and Toll-like receptors in cancer cell lines. Symposium of the 111-year joint research project between Taichung Veterans General Hospital and the universities in the Central District, 2023. (榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學111年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」最佳壁報獎)

  8. Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, and Hung-Jen Liu. Study on the replication of oncolytic avian virus in different cancer cell lines and the virus receptor of cancer cells. Symposium of the 111-year joint research project between Taichung Veterans General Hospital and the universities in the Central District, 2022. (榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學110年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」優等壁報獎)

  9. Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Jen Liu *. Suppression of Csk-Cbp interaction and annexin A2 and ADGRL2 cell receptors-mediated cell entry of avian reovirus. The 2021 Fall Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2021.

  10. Yi-Ying Wu, Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang, I-Chun Chen, Oiti Kar, Tsai-Ling Liao, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Oncolytic activity of avian reovirus: Avian reovirus activates primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells inducing apoptosis with AGS cancer cells through the IFN-γ/TRAIL pathway. The 2021 Fall Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2021.

  11. Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang, Ching-Dong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Identification of receptors for oncolytic avian reovirus entry and ARV p17 protein-mediated inhibition of invadopodia formation of cancer cell lines by negatively regulating the FAK/Src pathway and the TKS5/Rab40b complex. The 2021 Fall Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2021. (榮獲壁報論文競賽優勝及獎金)

  12. Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Jen Liu *. Src activation and cellular receptors annexin-A2 and ADGRL2 are critical for cell entry of oncolytic avian reovirus. The 2021 International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare Industry, 2021.

  13. Yi-Ying Wu, I-Chun Chen, Oiti Kar, Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Brent L. Nielsen, Hung-Jen Liu *. Oncolytic avian reovirus activates primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells inducing apoptosis in AGS cancer cells through the IFN-γ/TRAIL pathway. The 2021 International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare Industry., 2021. (榮獲口頭論文競賽第二名及獎金)

  14. Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang, Hung-Jen Liu. Identification of cancer cell receptors for oncolytic avian reovirus entry and ARV p17 modulated inhibition of invadopodia formation of cancer cells by negatively regulating the FAK/Src pathway and the TKS5/Rab40b complex. The 2021 International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare Industry, 2021. (榮獲壁報論文競賽第一名及獎金)

  15. Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang, Ching-Dong Chang, and Hung-Jen Liu*. Study of avian reovirus p17 protein-mediated inhibition of cancer cell migration by regulating the PTEN/FAK/Src pathway. The 2021 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2021.

  16. Yi-Ying Wu, Wei-Ru Huang, Jyun-Yi Li, Hung-Jen Liu*. Oncolytic activity and immune checkpoints of an avian reovirus in several cancer cell lines. The 2021 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2021.

  17. Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Jen Liu*. Molecular chaperones Hsp90/Cdc37 and TRiC stabilize viral proteins and p17-modulated Hsp90/Cdc37 chaperon machinery to recruit nonstructural Protein σNS and structural proteins σA and σC and dsRNA to viral factory. The 2021 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2021.

  18. Li JY, Huang WR, Liao TL, Liu HJ*. Avian reovirus p17 protein regulates the effect of Rab40b-TKS5 complex on invadopodia formation in lung adenocarcinoma cells. Symposium of the 109-year joint research project between Taichung Veterans General Hospital and the universities in the Central District, 2021. (The Best Poster Award ) (榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學109年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」最佳壁報獎)

  19. Li JY, Huang WR, Liao TL, Liu HJ*. Study on inhibition of cancer cell invadopodia by avian reovirus p17 protein. Symposium of the 108-year joint research project between Taichung Veterans General Hospital and the universities in the Central District, 2020. (The Best Poster Award ) (本篇論文榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學108年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」最佳壁報獎)

  20. Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Jen Liu*.探討家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白調控 PTEN/FAK/Src抑制癌細胞migration. 台中榮總與中區各大學107年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會, 2019. (壁報論文競賽第三名)

  21. Jyun-Yi Li, Wei-Ru Huang , Ching-Dong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus p17 protein disrupts mTOR complex 1 assembly by enhancing the binding of PRAS40 and FKBP38 to mTOR complex 1 and by negatively regulating the Akt/mTORC1 pathway inducing autophagy and increasing virus replication. The 2018 Autumn Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2018.

  22. Hsu-Hung Tseng, Ching Y. Cheng, Hung-Chuan Chiu, Ming H. Wu, Ching-Dong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Aspirin and AICAR suppress bovine ephemeral fever virus-induced autophagy via downregulation of the PI3K/Akt/NF-κB and Src/JNK pathways inhibiting virus replication. The 2018 Autumn Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2018.

  23. Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao,Hung-Jen Liu*. 家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白調控p53/PTEN及Rak抑制人類癌細胞株migration與cell cycle之機序探討. 台中榮總與中區各大學106年度合作研究計畫聯合 成果發表會, 2018. (壁報論文競賽第二名)

  24. Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Jen Liu*. 家禽里奧病毒p17蛋白調控癌細胞Tpr、p53及Hsp90蛋白及癌細胞週期與轉移之研究. 台中榮總與中區各大學105年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會, 2017.

  25. Yu-Cheng Chen, Wei-Lun Hung, Weng-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Yung-Huei Wu, Yi-Lun Tsai, Hung-Yi Wu, Chin-En Tsai, Chen-Chih Chen, Ching-Dong Chang . Nasal Adenocarcinoma in a Welsh Corgi dog. The 2017 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2017.

  26. Malignant T-cell lymphoma in a cat. Ying-Xuan Huang, Jie-An Yang, Yi-Chia Li, Pei-Wen Hsieh, Wen-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Yung-Huei Wu, Yi-Lun Tsai, Hung-Yi Wu, Chin-En Tsai, Chen-Chih Chen and Ching-Dong Chang. The 2017 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2017.

  27. Carotid body tumor and aortic body tumor in dogs. Miao-Jun Lin, Chieh-Hsien Tu, Shih-Min Lin, Wen-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Yung-Huei Wu, Yi-Lun Tsai, Hung-Yi Wu, Chin-En Tsai, Chen-Chih Chen, Ching-Dong Chang. The 2017 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2017.

  28. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma in the lung in a jack russell terrier dog. Ting-Wei Lee, Ying-Chin Chou, Wen-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Yung-Huei Wu, Yi-Lun Tsai, Hung-Yi Wu, Chin-En Tsai, Chen-Chih Chen, Ching-Dong Chang. The 2017 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2017.

  29. Malignant lymphoma in a schnauzer dog. Xaio-Ming Lan, Chou-An Mu, Wen-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Yung-Huei Wu, Yi-Lun Tsai, Hung-Yi Wu, Chin-En Tsai, Chen-Chih Chen and Ching-Dong Chang. The 2017 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2017.

  30. Prostate gland carcinoma and adenocarcinoma in a mixed-breed dog. An Hsin, Chun-Hung Chou, Wen-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Yung-Huei Wu, Yi-Lun Tsai, Hung-Yi Wu, Chin-En Tsai, Chen-Chih Chen and Ching-Dong Chang. The 2017 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2017.

  31. Metastatic malignant seminoma in a mixed-breed dog. Yu-Chuan Wang, Chieh-Hsien Tu, Chia-Hui Hou, Wen-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao, Yung-Huei Wu, Yi-Lun Tsai, Hung-Yi Wu, Chin-En Tsai, Chen-Chih Chen, Ching-Dong Chang. The 2017 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2017.

  32. Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hung-Jen Liu*. Mechanism studies of avian reovirus non-structural protein p17-regulated cell translation and cell cycle of cancer cells. 台中榮總與中區各大學104年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會, 2016.

  33. Hung-Chuan Chiu, Wei-Ru Huang, Tsai-Ling Liao, Hsin-Yu Lu, Pei-I Chi, Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus p17 protein interacts with both CDK1 and vimentin leading to suppression of vimentin phosphorylation at Ser56 and Ser82 and G2/M cell cycle arrest. The 2015 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2015.

  34. Wei-Ru Huang, Pei-I Chi, Hung-Jen Liu*.Autophagosome formation induction by ARV p17-mediated downregulation of mTOR complexes and CDK2 and by ARV σA-mediated activation of proteasome subunit PSMB6. The 2015 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2015.

  35. Pei-I Chi and Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus σA protein enhances the ATP formation through upregulation of Glycolysis and TCA cycle benefiting its replication. The 2015 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2015.

  36. Yi-Jyun Lin, Hung-Jen Liu*. Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling mechanisms of the matrix (M) protein of bovine ephemeral fever virus. The 2014 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2014.

  37. Hsin-Yu Lu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Production and epitope mapping of monoclonal antibodies against the MPT64 protein of mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. The 2014 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2014.

  38. Pei-I Chi and Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus σA protein enhances the ATP formation through regulation of glycolysis and TCA cycle benefiting its replication. The 2014 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2014.

  39. Wei-Xuan Zhuang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of baculovirus display vectors for construction of genetic recombinant baculoviruses for producing multivalent canine subunit vaccines. The 2014 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2014.

  40. Hung-Chuan Chiu, Wei-Ru Huang, and Hung-Jen Liu*. A new member of virus-encoded cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKI): avian reovirus p17 protein. The 2014 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2014.

  41. Ching-Yuan Cheng, Ming-Hung Wu, Ru-Chian Lin, Hung-Jen Liu*. Cell entry of bovine ephemeral fever virus requires activation of Src-JNK-AP1 and PI3K-Akt-NFκB pathways as well as Cox-2-mediated PGE2/EP receptor signaling to enhance clathrin-mediated virus endocytosis. The 2014 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2014.

  42. Wei-Ru Huang and Hung-Jen Liu*. Suppression of mTOR complexes and CDK2 and activation of PTEN and proteasome PSMB6 by avian reovirus p17 protein induce autophagosome formation enhancing virus replication. The 2014 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2014.

  43. Yu-Yang Wang, Hung-Jen Liu*. hnRNP A1 mediates nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the nonstructural protein p17 of avian reovirus. The 2014 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2014.

  44. Hung-Chuan Chiu, Wei-Ru Huang, Pei-I Chi, Ching-Yuan Cheng, Hung-Jen Liu* Avian reovirus nonstructural protein p17 functions as A Cdc2 suppressor causing G2/M Cell cycle arrest. The 2013 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2013

  45. Wei-Ru Huang, Hung-Chuan Chiu, Pei-I Chi, Ching-Yuan Cheng, Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus p17 protein functions as a nucleoporin Tpr suppressor that positively regulates p53, PTEN and p21 and negatively regulates PI3K/Akt/mTOR and ERK sgnaling pathways enhancing virus replication. The 2013 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2013

  46. Pei-I Chi, Ching-Dong Chang, Hung-Yi Wu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus σA protein upregulates the proteasome subunit beta type-6 (PSMB6) enhancing virus replication. The 2013 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2013

  47. Ching-Yuan Cheng, Wei-Ru Huang, Ming-Hung Wu, Ru-Chian Lin, Hung-Jen Liu*. Activation of Src-JNK-AP1-Cox-2 and PI3K-Akt-NFκB-Cox-2 Pathways as Well as PGE2/EP Receptors-Mediated Signaling by Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus Enhance Virus entry and Subsequent Productive Infection. The 2013 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2013

  48. Pei I Chi, Hung-Jen Liu*. The p17 nonstructural protein of avian reovirus triggers autophagy enhancing virus replication via activation of phosphatase and tensin deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), as well as dsRNA- dependent protein kinase (PKR)/eIF2α. signaling pathways. The 3rd World Congress on Cell Science & Stem Cell Research, 2013.

  49. Wei R. Huang, Hung J. Liu*. Cell entry of avian reovirus follows a caveolin-1-mediated and dynamin-2- dependent endocytic p athway that requires activation of p38 MAPK and Src signaling pathways as well as microtubules and small GTPase Rab5 protein. The 3rd World Congress on Cell Science & Stem Cell Research, 2013.

  50. Ching-Yuan Cheng, Wei-Ru. Huang, Ming-Hung Wu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Bovine ephemeral fever virus uses a clathrin-mediated and dynamin 2-dependent endocytosis pathway that requires Rab5 and Rab7 as well as microtubules. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2012.

  51. Ching-Yuan Cheng, Pei-I Chi, Ru-Chian Lin, Hung-Jen Liu*. Src-JNK-AP1-Cox2 and Akt-NFκB-Cox2 signaling pathways are crucial for virus entry and replication. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2012.

  52. Hsin-Yu Lu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of a novel baculovirus display system for producing H5N2 avian influenza subunit vaccines. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2012.

  53. Wei-Ru Huang, I-Hsiang Lai, Pei-I Chi, Hung-Jen Liu*. Regulation of PTEN, mTOR complexes and ribosomal proteins by P17 protein of avian reovirus. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2012.

  54. Pei-I Chi, Wei-Ru Huang , Ching-Yuan Cheng, Hsin-Yu Lu, Yi-Hsuan Chen, Hung-Jen Liu*. The P17 nonstructural protein of avian reovirus triggers autophagy enhancing virus replication via activation of PTEN and AMPK as well as PKR/eIF2α signaling pathways. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2012.

  55. 陳怡萱、楊偉辰、劉宏仁. 建構高表現效率之基因重組桿狀病毒載體及應用於研發PCV2 Cap次單位疫苗. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2012.

  56. 黃郁媛、劉宏仁 基因選殖與表現耐熱飼料添加酵素地衣芽孢桿菌脂肪酶及嗜高溫放線菌木聚糖酶. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2012.

  57. 林正偉、劉宏仁 基因選殖與表現耐熱消化性飼料添加酵素 α-amylase及β-glucanase. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2012.

  58. 張勻、劉宏仁 豬生殖與呼吸症候群病毒gp2、gp4及gp5之基因重組桿狀病毒次單位疫苗之研發. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  59. Hisu-Chen Huang, Ching-Dong Chang, Tsung-Chou Chang, Hung-Jen Liu, Wing-Ling Shih, Dan-Yuan Lo, Ming-Huei Liao, Chiang-hua Jiang, Rey-Shyong Chern, Chao-Nan Lin, Hong-Jhan Wang, and Yung-Huey Wu. 犬隻圓形細胞瘤之探討. The 2012 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  60. Chia-Chang Lee, Chia-Hung Yen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Gender difference in hyperglycemia-induced aortic vascular dysfunctions: Role of female sex hormones. The 2010 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry, 2010.

  61. Su-Ming Tsai, Jui-Hung Shen, Long-Huw Lee, Pao-Chung Chang, Hung-Jen Liu, Chi-Young Wang. Rapid and sensitive detection of infectious bursa disease virus by reverse transcript loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with a lateral flow dipstick. The 2010 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry, 2010.

  62. Sui-Ping Chen, Ching-Dong Chang, MinguHuei Liao, Chia-Ben Chao, Tsung-Chou Chang, Hung-Jen Liu, Yung-Huey Wu, Wen-Ling Shih, Shao-Kuang Chang, Hung-Yi Wu, Chao-Nan Lin. Taiwan isolates of canine herpesvirus and nucleotide sequence of glycpprotein B gene. The 2010 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry, 2010.

  63. Yu-Chieh Chen, Jue-Liang Hsu, Kuo-Pin Chuang , Chi Y. Wang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Optimization of environmental factors in different mammalian cells for transduction of genetic recombinant baculoviruses into various mammalian cell lines and development of a BEFV G subunit vaccine by a novel baculovirus display system. The 2010 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry, 2010.

  64. Pei-I Chi, Wen-Ling Shih, Ming-Huei Liao, Wei-Li Hsu, Hung-Jen Liu*. ARV p17 mediates AMPK-p38 MAPK and eIF2α signaling for regulating the autophage formation that benefits for ARV replication. The 2010 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry, 2010.

  65. Hsin-Yu Lu,Yu T. Chen, Kuo-Pin Chuang, Chi Y. Wang, Poa-Chun Chang, Chin-Cheng Huang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of a novel baculovirus display system for producing avian influenza subunit vaccines. The 2010 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry, 2010.

  66. Ming-Hung Wu, Wen-Ling Shih, Ming-Huei Liao, Wei-Li Hsu, Hung-Jen Liu*. Studies on the autophagic machinery enhances bovine ephemeral fever virus replication. The 2010 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry, 2010.

  67. Yao-Ching Hsieh, Keng-Yu Tsai, An-Ting Huang, Chien-Ning Hung, and Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of chicken specific immunoglobulin in Yolk (IgY) against salmonella choleraesuis and typhimurium in swine. The 2010 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry, 2010.

  68. Hung-Jen Liu*, Hsin-Yu Lu, Yu T. Chen, Yu-Chen Hu. 2010. Development of avian influenza vaccine by baculovirus display system. 第三屆海峽兩岸禽病防控研討會.

  69. Lin Y. Hsieh, Ching D. Chang, Tsung C. Chang, Tsung H. Feng, Yung H. Wu, Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu, Chee Y. Chai, Chia Y. Hsieh, Shinn S. Tsai. Canine cholangiocarcinoma with multiple metastases. The 2010 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  70. Chuan H. Chang, Ching D. Chang, Tsung C. Chang, Yung H. Wu, Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu, Chia Y. Hsieh, Chen C. Chen Jai, C. Pei, Shinn S. Tsai. Retrospective study of squamous cell carcinoma in Non-human primates. The 2010 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  71. Yi-Hsuan Chen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Construction of a baculovirus surface display system expressing the capsid protein of porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2). 2009 International Symposium on Innovative Agricultural Biotechnology., 2009.

  72. Wei-Hsuan Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*.Construction and immunogenicity study of recombinant baculovirus expressing porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus M and mutant GP5 proteins. 2009 International Symposium on Innovative Agricultural Biotechnology, 2009.

  73. Ying-Cheh Wang, Hung-Jen Liu*, Characterization of routes of avian reovirus cell entry. 2009 International Symposium on Innovative Agricultural Biotechnology, 2009.

  74. Ming-Hua Chen, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of canine distemper virus subunit vaccine using baculovirus surface display system. 2009 International Symposium on Innovative Agricultural Biotechnology, 2009.

  75. Feng-Lang Lin, Chi-I Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Activation of p38 MAP kinase by active nature product from Morinda citrifolia mediates apoptosis via death receptor and p53 pathway in human hepatoma SKHep 1 cells. 2009台灣藥學會藥物化學研討會.

  76. Feng-Lang Lin, Hung-Jen Liu*Effects of advanced glycation end products(AGEs) on the expression of connexin 32 and connexin 43 in human hepatoma SKHep 1 cells. 2009台灣藥學會藥物化學研討會.

  77. Yi-Ru, Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Cloning and expression of the G-encoding gene of type II simplex herpesvirus. The 2009 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  78. Mei-Ling Li, Tsung-Ming Yeh, Wen-Ling Shih, Ching-Gong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao. Detection of infectious disease in dogs by DNA molecular techniques. The 2009 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  79. Kuo-Ping Chang, Tsung-Ming Yeh, Wen-Ling Shih, Ching-Gong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Huei Liao. Detection of infectious disease in domestic cats by polymerase chain reaction. The 2009 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  80. Feng-Lang Lin , Chi-I Chang, Hung-Jen Liu . Activation p38 MAP kinase by active nature product from Morinda citrifolia mediates apoptosis via death receptor and p53 pathway in human hepatoma SKHep 1 cells. The 2009 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  81. Ru-Chain Lin,Wen-Ling Shih, Ming-Huei Liao, Ching-Dong Chang , Hung-Jen Liu*. Suppression of bovine ephemeral fever virus infection by salicylic acid and proteasome inhibitors. The 2009 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  82. Chih-Hung Tsai, Ming-Huei Liao, Ching-Dong Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of a subunit vaccine for canine parvovirus using baculovirus surface display system. The 2009 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  83. Wei-Ru Huang,Wen-Ling Shih, Long-Huw Lee, Yur-Ren Kuo, Hung-Jen Liu*. Studies on avian reovirus inhibits cap-dependent translation. The 2009 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  84. Hsin-Yu Lu, Kuo-Pin Chuang, Ming-Huei Liao, Ching-Dong Chang, Long-Huw Lee, Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of avian influenza virus subunit vaccine using baculovirus display system The 2009 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  85. Wan-Kai Shih,Cheng-Chung Lin,Jui-Hung Shien ,Hung-Jen Liu ,Long-Huw Lee . Developing Real-Time Quantitative PCR for Cytokine Detection of Chicken Following Avian Reovirus 2408 Strain Infection. The 2008 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  86. Hui-Jane Chen,Hung-Jen Liu,Wen-Bin Chung ,Chiang-Hua Chiang. Relationship between Cytokines Expression and Chronic Valve Disease of Dogs. The 2008 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of VeterinaryMedicine and Animal Husbandry.

  87. Feng-Liang Lin, Chi I. Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. 2008. Antiproliferative activity of a natural compound from morinda citrifolia and its effects on apoptosis in human hepatoma SKHep 1. The 2008 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  88. Yueh-Hung Lin, Hung-Jen Liu*. 2008. Development of a universal baculovirus surface display system and its application in production of subunit vaccine of avian reovirus σC and σB proteins. The 2008 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  89. An-Chi Liu, Hung-Jen Liu*. 2008. Development of ELISA kit for detection of BEF antibody. The 2008 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  90. Sung Hua Yeh, Hung-Jen Liu*. 2008. Functional and phylogenetic analysis of the F and HN genes of NDV isolates from Taiwan. The 2008 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  91. Yu T. Shen, Yi P. Lu, Wei M. Chang, Hung J. Liu, Ming H. Liao. 2007. Detection of Actinobacillus pleuropeumoniae serotypes by DNA microarray. 中華民國獸醫學會暨九十六年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會. (poster)

  92. 林耘生、尤封陵、林淑珠、劉宏仁、廖明輝。2007。 Development of monoclonalantibodies against the M protein of bovine ephemeral fever virus and preparation of ELISA kit. 中華民國獸醫學會暨九十六年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會. (poster)

  93. 柯冠民、何志祥、林茂勇、劉宏仁、林桂香。2007。Analysis of the phosphoprotein genes of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from 1984-2006 outbreaks in Taiwan. 中華民國獸醫學會暨九十六年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會.

  94. Julius L.c. Chulu, Wen-Tsai Ji,Wen L. Shih. and Hung-Jen Liu*. Avian reovirus P17 protein causes G2/M cell cycle arrest through phosphorylation of Cdc2. 第二屆海峽兩岸畜牧獸醫永續發展高新技術論壇。P.1. 2007.

  95. 吳永富、劉宏仁、邱繡河、李龍湖。Structural and functional homology of interleukin (1L)-1B protein among five avain species。第二屆海峽兩岸畜牧獸 醫永續發展高新技術論壇。 P.23. 2007.

  96. 吳永富、劉宏仁、邱繡河、李龍湖。禽類介白素-1B結構與功能同質性分析。 第二屆海峽兩岸畜牧獸醫永續發展高新技術論壇。P.37. 2007.

  97. 劉世賢、陳致吟、吳虹慧、施閔郡、李元貴、劉宏仁、劉炳燦、吳永惠、廖明輝。 黴菌性與黴槳菌性乳房炎分析與藥物敏感性。第二屆海峽兩岸畜 牧獸醫永續發展高新技術論壇。P.451, 2007.

  98. Yu T. Chen, Chi H. Lin, Shu K. Li, Wen T. Ji, Long H. Lee, Hung J. Liu*. Studies on reduction of avian reovirus replication and apoptosis in culture ells by proteasome inhibitor MG132. The 2007 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  99. Yi-Hui Wang, Chi-Hung Lin, Ming-Huei Liao, and Hung-Jen Liu*. Studies on The effect of Bcl-2 protein and caspase inhibitors on bovine ephemeral fever virus replication and apoptosis induction. The 2007 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  100. Chi-Hung Lin, Yu-Tsen Chen, Yi-Hui Wang, Ming-Hui Liao, Hung-Jeng Liu*. Studies on the mechanism and signal transduction pathway of bovine ephemeral fever virus-induced apoptosis. The 2007 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  101. Shu K. Li, Chi H, Lin, Yu T. Chen, Long H. Lee, Chi Y. Wang, and Hung J. Liu* . Development of magnetic bead-based DNA probing kit for detection of different avian reovirus serotypes and genotypes. The 2007 Winter Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  102. Sue T. Chuang, Wen T. Ji, Yu T. Chen, Chi H. Lin, Yao C. Hsieh and Hung J. Liu* 2007. Interference of Bovine Ephemeral Virus Replication by siRNA. The 2007 Spring symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal.

  103. Julius L. C. Chulu, Wen T. Ji, Wen L. Shih , Shieh L. Cheng , and Hung J. Liu* . 2007. Avian reovirus p17 protein causes G2/M cell cycle arrest through phosphorylation of Cdc2. The 2007 Spring symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  104. Su, Y. P., J. H. Shien, H. J. Liu, H. S. Yin, and L. H. Lee. 2007. NTPase and RTPase activities of avian reovirus core protein {micro}A. The 2007 Spring symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  105. Yung Fu Wu, Hung Jen Liu,Jui Huang Shien, Shiow Her Chiou, and Long Huw Lee. 2007. Characterization of interleukin (IL)-1B expression in chicken peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to avian reovirus. The 2007 Spring symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  106. Chi-Young Wang, Chia-Jen Hsu, Heng-Ju Chen, and Hung-Jen Liu*. 2007. Development of a reliable assay protocol for identification of diseases (RAPID)-bioactive amplification with probing (BAP) for detection of Newcastle disease virus. The 2007 Spring symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry

  107. Yung-Sheng Lin, Shu-Chu Lin, Chi-Young Wang, Hung-Jen Liu, Ming-Hui Liao. 2007. Cloning and antigenic analysis of the matrix protein gene from bovine ephemeral fever virus. The 2007 Spring symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  108. 宋陽中 謝嘉裕 劉宏仁 蔡信雄. 2007. Bone lesions of vetebrae and tibiae found in meat-type chickens. The 2007 Spring symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  109. Ming-Chung Wu, Ching-dong Chang, Ming-Huei Liao, Chen-Hsuan Liu, Tsong-Jou Chang, Hung-Jen Liu, Yeong-Huey Wu, Shin-Shyong Tsai. 2007. Etiological, pathological, and molecular studies on diseases of external ear in dogs. The 2007 Spring symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  110. Yeh, T. M., Lin, S. C., lu, Y. P., Liu, H. J., Chang C. D., Liao, M. H. 2006. Cloning and antigentic analysis of the nucleocapsid protein gene from canine distemper virus. The 2006 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  111. Lin, K. C., Lu, Y. P., Liu, H. J., Liu, S. S., Liao, M. H. 2006.Isolation, identification and analysis of antibiotic resistant genes from swine Escherichia coli. The 2006 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  112. Lin, P. Y., Liu, H. J., Hsu, H. Y., Lee, J. W., and Shih. W. L. 2006. Avian Reovirus Activates a Novel Proapoptotic Signal by Linking Src to p53. The 2006 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry. (poster)

  113. Hsieh, Y. C., Chuang, W. C., Tsai, K. Y., Hung, C. N., Chou, C. S., and Liu, H. J*. 2006. Applying flexible multi-analytic profiling to detect avian tuberculosis. The 2006 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  114. Chen, J. L., Lu, Y. P., Hung, H. H., Liao, M. H., and Liu, H. J*. 2006. Cloning and phylogenetic anlysis of chlamydophila abortus major outer membrane protein and polymorphic outer membrane protein genes. The 2006 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  115. Yang, Z. J., Lee, L. H.,Wang, C. Y., Liao, M. H., and Liu, H. J*. Expression of σCand σB proteins of avian reovirus in a yeast expression system. The 2006 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  116. Ji, W. T., Lee, L. H.,Wang, C. Y., Liao, M. H.,and Liu, H. J*. 2006. Translocation of σA of avian reovirus into nucleus. The 2006 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  117. Chulu, J. L. C., Cheng, H. L., Shih, W. L., Ji, W. T., and Liu, H. J*. 2006. Avian reovirus- induced p17 dependent G2/M phase cell cycle arrest. The 2006 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

  118. 余佳蓉、劉明哲、魯彝萍、張清棟、劉宏仁、廖明輝。2005。 披衣菌主要外膜蛋白質基因之選殖與表現及其應用之評估。 台灣省畜牧獸醫學會第二十三屆第三次會員大會中華民國獸醫學會第十一屆第三次 會員大會九十四年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會. P.114. (poster)

  119. 陳春嵩、魯彝萍、尤封陵、邱明堂、劉宏仁、廖明輝。2005。 豬環狀病毒第二型ORF-1基因之分子選殖與表現。台灣省畜牧獸醫學會第二十三屆第三次 會員大會中華民國獸醫學會第十一屆第三次會員大會九十四年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會. P.111. (poster)

  120. 林淑珠、尤封陵、魯彝萍、賴博永、劉宏仁、邱乾順、廖明輝。2005。 應用脈衝式膠體電泳鑑定豬霍亂沙門氏桿菌基因型別。 台灣省畜牧獸醫學會第二十三屆第三次會員大會中華民國獸醫學會第十一屆第三次 會員大會九十四年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會. P.93. (poster)

  121. 許坤水、劉明哲、張清棟、劉宏仁、廖明輝。2005。豬溶血性大腸桿菌症的流行病學及毒素基因分析。 台灣省畜牧獸醫學會第二十三屆第三次會員大會中華民國獸醫學會第十一屆第三次會員大會 九十四年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會. P.74. (poster)

  122. 余佳蓉、劉明哲、魯彝萍、張清棟、劉宏仁、廖明輝。2005。 披衣菌主要外膜蛋白質基因之選殖與表現及其應用之評估。台灣省畜牧獸醫學會第二十三屆第三次會員大會 中華民國獸醫學會第十一屆第三次會員大會九十四年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會. P.114. (poster)

  123. 尤封陵、劉宏仁、李政偉、廖明輝、施玟玲。2005。B型肝炎病毒X蛋白藉誘導基質金屬蛋白 ?-3而促進細胞移動。台灣省畜牧獸醫學會九十四年度春季學術研討會專刊. P.109. (poster)

  124. 尤封陵、劉宏仁、李政偉、廖明輝、施玟玲。2005。B型肝炎病毒X蛋白藉誘導基質金屬蛋白?-3而促進細胞移動。 台灣省畜牧獸醫學會九十四年度春季學術研討會專刊. P.109. (poster)

  125. 林淑珠、魯彝萍、尤封陵、劉宏仁、廖明輝。2005。評定以定量聚合?鏈反應技術診斷豬瘟病毒之效益。 台灣省畜牧獸醫學會九十四年度春季學術研討會專刊. P.61. (poster)

  126. 汪鴻展、張清棟、張聰洲、謝嘉裕、劉宏仁、廖明輝、江強華、林孫權、陳瑞雄、吳永惠、蔡信雄。2005。 西高地白梗犬上皮發育不良症繼發上皮感染。台灣省畜牧獸醫學會九十四年度春季學術研討會專刊. P.44

  127. 洪振凱、張清棟、張聰洲、謝嘉裕、陳石柱、吳永惠、廖明輝、劉宏仁、江強華、陳瑞雄、林孫權、蔡信雄。2005。 靈長類野生動物結核病之分子病理學研究。台灣省畜牧獸醫學會九十四年度春季學術研討會專刊. P.32

  128. Julius L.C. Chulu, Hsueh L. Cheng,Wen-Tsai JI, and Hung-Jen Liu*. Regulation of p21cip1/waf1 promoter by avian reovirus p17 protein. The 2005 Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  129. Shu H. Liao, Long-Huw LEE, Ming H. LIAO, Chi-Young WANG, Hung-Jen LIU*. The establishment and application of Bcl-2 and baculovirus p35 stable clones. The 2005 Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  130. Wen-Tsai JI , Julius L. C. CHULU, Long-Huw LEE, Chi-Young WANG, Hung-Jen LIU* . Silencing of S1 Genome Segment of Avian Reovirus by RNA Interference. The 2005 Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  131. 吳永富、沈瑞鴻、劉宏仁、李龍湖. Expression and bioassay of chicken interleukin-1 protein and sequence analysis of interleukin-1 mRNA of avian species. The 2005 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  132. 吳永富、沈瑞鴻、劉宏仁、李龍湖Avian reovirus infections triggers cytokine interleukin-1expression in chicken peripheral blood mononuclear cell. The 2005 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  133. Ya-Chun Li, Wen-Ling Shih, Hung-Jen Liu*. The mechanism studies of avian reovirus-induced apoptosis. The 2005 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  134. Hsin-Yi Lin , Wen-Ling Shih, Ching-Dong Chang, Long-Huw Lee , Hung-Jen Liu *. Avian reovirus infections and tissue injury in the checkin tissue are associated with apoposis. The 2005 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  135. Pei-Chuan Wu, Yao-Ching Hsieh, Ming-Huei Liao, Hung-Jen Liu*. Bovine Ephemeral fever virus induces caspase-dependent apoptosis. The 2005 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  136. Wen-Tsai Ji, Ming-Huei Liao, Long-Huw Lee, Hung-Jen Liu*. Gene silencing of avian reovirus by RNA interference. The 2005 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  137. 許茜茹 胡育誠 李龍湖 張天傑 劉宏仁*. 家禽里奧病毒S1133結構蛋白σC單株抗體之製備及特性分析. The 2005 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2005.

  138. I, H. Lai. Yi P. Lu, Hsin H. Hung, Yung K. Liao, Hung J. Liu, and Ming H. Liao. Cloningand antigenic analysis of the major outer membrane protein gene from chlamydophila psittaci. The 2004 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2004.

  139. Li F. Weng, Shu c. Lin Shyh S. Liu, Hung J. Liu, and Ming H. Liao. Detection of enterotoxigenic E. coli by real-time polymerase chain reaction and expression of verotoxin type 2 gene protein. The 2004 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2004.

  140. Jui C. Yang Feng L. Yu, Hung J. Liu, Ching D. Chang, and Ming H. Liao. Studies on transmissible gastroenteritis virus-induced apoptosis. The 2004 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2004.

  141. Hsiao-Wei Hsu, Hung-Jen Liu* , Wen-Ling Shih, Ming-Huei Liao, Long-Huw Lee. ARV σC Protein is an apoptin and induces apoptosis in cultured cells. The 2003 Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2003.

  142. Hung J. Liu*, Ying J. Li, Long H. Lee. Epitope mapping and functional study of σNS protein of avian reovirus using monoclonal antibodies. The 2003 Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2003.

  143. Pei C. Wu , Hung J. Liu*, Long H. Lee, Ming H. Liao, Ching D. Chang. Secreted expression of the VP2 protein of very virulent infectious bursal disease virus in Pichia pastoris. The 2003 Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2003.

  144. C. J. Chang, W. L. Shih, F. L. Yu, H. J. Liu, S. S. Liu, M. H. Liao. Studies on bovine ephemeral fever virus induces apoptosis. The 2003 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 53, 2003.

  145. M. L. Lu, W. L. Shih, H. J. Liu, C. D. Chang, M. H. Liao. Application of RT-PCR for detection of canine distenper virus gene and analysis of phylogenetic relationships. The 2003 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2003.

  146. C. J. Huang, D. T. Lin, H. J. Liu, C. D. Chang, M. H. Liao. Study and detection on the duck enteritis virus. The 2003 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 70, 2003.

  147. H. C. Liu, F. L. Yu, W. L. Shih, H. J. Liu, M. H. Liao. Molecular diagnosis and gene analysis of porcine Circovirus. The 2003 Spring Symposium of theTaiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 69, 2003.

  148. C. H. Chen, S. H. Chiou, Y. F. Wu., H. J. Liu, J. H. shien, L. H. Lee. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies of chicken interlukin-8. The 2003 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 53, 2003.

  149. Y. F. Hsu, Y. P. Su, H. J. Liu, J. H. Shien. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies of avian reovirus strain S1133 nonstructural protein uNS. The 2003 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 54, 2003.

  150. Hsiao-Wei Hsu, Wen-Ling Shih, Feng-Ling Yu, Ming-Huei Liao, Hung-Jen Liu*. 2003. Avian reovirus σC protein induces apoptosis in the in vitro cultured cells. The 2003 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 12, 2003.

  151. Hung J. Liu*, Ying J. Li, Ching C. Chang , Wen L. Shih, Long H. Lee, Ming H. Liao,Ching D. Chang. Rapid characterization of avian reovirus using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism. The 2003 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp.13, 2003.

  152. Ming C. Tsai, Hung J. Liu, Maw Y. Lin. Antibody response and protectiveity of 7 commercial avian reovirus live vaccines in chickens. The 2002 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 13, 2002.

  153. Yen J. Lin, Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu, Yi Y. Lien, Shin S. Tsai, Maw, Y. Lin. Molecular epidemiologic study of duck virus Enteritis and phylogenetic analysis. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2001.

  154. Chia R. Chang, Ming H. Liao, Yeong H. Wu, Hung J. Liu, Shyh S. Liu. Molecular epidemiologic study of bovine ephemeral fever virus and phylogenetic analysis. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2001.

  155. May L. Lu, Suen C. Lin, Kwang Y. Chen, Hung J. Liu, Han J. Tsai, Heng L. Yang, Jun F. Tsai, Yeong H. Wu, Chieh H. Tu. Prevalent rate of chlamydia infection in dogs and cats in Taiwan by ELISA test and PCR technique. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 29, 2001.

  156. Gan N. Chang, Bor S. Su, Hung J. Liu, Jin H. Ch`iou, Shin S. Tsai. Polymerase chain reaction , analysis of DNA sequences and in situ hybridization test for the diagnosis of porcine circovirus infection in Taiwan. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp 30, 2001.

  157. Chia C. Yin, Suen C. Lin, Hung J. Liu, Maw Y. Lin, Ming H. Liao. Studies on Ehrlichial canis infection in dogs using blood smear examination, PCR and IFA tests. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp 33, 2001.

  158. H. W. Hsu ,H. J. Liu*, G. M. Ke, M. Y. Lin, M. H. Liao, Y. H. Wu. Identification of avian mycoplasma using nested and species-specific polymerase chain reaction. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp 32, 2001.

  159. G. M. Ke, H. J. Liu*, M. Y. Lin, J. H. Lin, S. S. Tsai, P. C. Chang. Characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from recent outbreaks in Taiwan. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp 20, 2001.

  160. Hung J. Liu*, Liam C. Kuo, Pi H. Huang, Jen H. Chen, Ming H. Liao, Maw Y. Lin. Molecular evolution of avian reovirus. The 11 Congress of the Federation of Asian Veterinary Association, 2000.

  161. P. H. Huang , H. J. Liu*, L.H. Lee. Mapping of Epitopes on theσA andσNS Proteins of avian reovirus. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp. 21, 2001.

  162. Hung J. Liu* , Liam C. Kuo, Pi H. Huang, Ming H. Liao. Analysis of the Evolution and Variation of the Avian Reovirus S-class genes. The 2001 Spring Symposium of the Taiwan Association of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Pp 25, 2001.

  163. 成珍珍 莊秀祺 林孫權 施孟良 劉宏仁 張清棟。 以反轉錄聚合脢連鎖反應檢測犬隻血液中犬瘟熱病毒核酸。 臺灣畜牧獸醫學會春季研討會,2000.

  164. Jen H. Chen, Hung J. Liu*, Ming H. Liao, Maw Y. Lin, Gan N. Chang. Identification of theσC-encoded gene of avian reovirus by nested PCR and nucleotide sequence analysis. Symposium of the Taiwan Journal of Veterinary medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2000.

  165. Guan M. Ke, Hung J. Liu*, Maw Y. Lin, Jen H. Chen, Sin S. Tsai, Poa C. Chang. Molecular characterization of Newcastle disease virus isolated from recent outbreaks in Taiwan. Symposium of the Taiwan Journal of Veterinary medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2000.

  166. Ming H. Liao, Hung J. Liu, Maw Y. Lin, Suen C. Lin, Ming C. Tung. In situ detection of latency Pseudorabies virus in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded pig tissues using a digoxigenin-labeled DNA probe. Symposium of the Taiwan Journal of Veterinary medicine and Animal Husbandry, 2000.

  167. Horng L. Lay, Hung J. Liu*, Ming H. Liao, Chien C. Chen, Sin Y. Liu, Bor W. Sheu. Identification of Chinese drug materials in Yams (Dioscorea spp.) by RAPD analysis. The Third Symposium on Herbal Medicine, Taiwan, 2000.

  168. 林鳳萳 林謹豊 劉宏仁 呂車鳳。 臺灣青草藥保肝活性之研究。 1999年中華民國獸醫學會年會, 1999.

  169. 吳弘毅 林佳穎 廖明輝 劉宏仁 張清棟 董明澄。 應用分子技術偵測臺灣白鼻心感染假性狂犬病毒。 1999年中華民國獸醫學會年會。

  170. Hung J. Liu*, M. Y. Lin, M. F. Liao, L. J. Murphy. Cloning and analysis of the promoter for the mouse IGFBP-3 gene. Congress of the Taiwan Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Taiwan, 1998.

  171. Hung J. Liu*, Molecular identification of avian reoviruses by nested PCR and nucleotide sequence analysis. The 2nd Cross Strait Congress of Avian Disease, PR China, 1997.

  172. Hung J. Liu*, Genetic variations in serotype I isolaitons of infectious bursal disease virus using polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis. The 2nd Cross Strait Congress of Avian Disease, PR China, 1997.

  173. Hung J. Liu*, C. Maake, Q. Fu, L. J.Murphy. Regulation of the mouse IGFBP-3 promoter by GH, IGF-1 and insulin. The 79 International Congress of Endocinology, USA, 1996.

  174. Hung J. Liu*, J. J. Giambrone, B. L. Nielsen. Molecular characterization of avian reoviruses using nested PCR and nucleotide sequence analysis. Southern Congress of Infectious Disease, USA., 1996.


  1. Ching-Chun Chang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Book chapter: Prospects of Plant-based Vaccines in Veterinary Medicine: chapter 12: Plant-made vaccines against avian reovirus. Springer Nature, Scientific Publishing Services, 2017

  2. Hung-Jen Liu. Bovine ephemeral fever virus. (Book chapter), CABI, UK, 2013.

  3. 劉宏仁, 廖明輝等合著。2009. 分子檢測技術實驗。

  4. 劉宏仁, 廖明輝等合著。2008. 生物技術實驗

  5. 張清棟, 劉宏仁等等合著。2007. 傳染病之皮膚病變 (chapter)

  6. 劉宏仁, 廖明輝等合著。1998 生物技術概論講義

專  利
  1. 劉宏仁、李淑桂. Detection methods for avian reovirus. Taiwan patent no. 1349705. 2010.

  2. 劉宏仁、林岳宏、胡育誠. 泛用型桿狀病毒表面呈現系統之開發及應用於次單位疫苗製備. Taiwan patent no. 368656. 2012.

  3. 劉宏仁. 技轉:桿狀病毒呈現載體pBacDD-4Cap(d41)及基因重組桿狀病毒 BacDD-4Cap(d41). 2015.

  4. 劉宏仁. 技轉: 二株辨識結核分枝桿菌MPT64蛋白之單株抗體及pET32a-MPT64質體2017.

  5. 劉宏仁. 技轉: 犬腺病毒單株抗體應用於研發犬腺病毒之快篩試紙. 2017.

  6. 劉宏仁. 技轉: 犬小病毒單株抗體應用於研發犬小病毒之快篩試紙. 2017

  7. 劉宏仁. 技轉: 耐高溫及耐酸之脂肪酶. 2018.

  8. 劉宏仁. 技轉: 改良型耐高溫脂肪酶. 2019.

  9. 劉宏仁. 技轉: 鑲嵌蛋白pir1呈現脂肪酶於酵母菌細胞壁表面及高度表現脂肪酶之酵母菌株, 2022.

  1. 考試院公務人員普通考試優等及格 (1984)

  2. 考試院公務人員高等考試及格 (1985)

  3. 考試院獸醫檢覈考試及格 (1985)

  4. 國科會生物處甲等研究獎 (1998, 1999, 2000)

  5. 彰化縣青年楷模獎 (1998)

  6. 屏東科技大學著作發表獎勵 (1998-2009)

  7. 屏東科技大學 指導碩士生優等論文獎 (1999, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007)

  8. 台灣畜牧獸醫學會學術獎 (2002)

  9. 屏東科技大學傑出研究獎 (2003)

  10. 李崇道博士基金會台灣獸醫菁英獎 (2004)

  11. 中華民國獸醫學會優良論文獎 (2001)

  12. 中華民國獸醫學會研究獎 (2004)

  13. 中華民國獸醫學會學術獎 (2005)

  14. 亞洲名人錄 (Asian Admirable Achieves, Volume III, 2008)

  15. 國科會A級計畫主持人獎勵費 (每年30萬主持人費) (2005-2007)

  16. 中華民國獸醫學會優良論文獎 (2007)

  17. 屏東科技大學 指導博士生優等論文獎 (2008)

  18. 屏東科技大學 疫苗論壇海報展第1名 (2008)

  19. 世界名人錄 (Who’s Who in the World, 26th Edition, USA) (2009)

  20. 屏東科技大學 指導博士生優等論文獎 (2010)

  21. 美國醫學暨醫護名人錄 (Who’s who in Medicine and Healthcare, USA) (2009-2010)

  22. 美國科學暨工程名人錄 (Who’s who in Science and Engineering,USA) (2011-2012)

  23. 屏東科技大學 「2010年教師研發成果競賽」生醫保健類組第1名 (2010)

  24. 中興大學 特聘教授(I) (2010)

  25. Editorial Board, Taiwan Veterinary Journal (2009~).

  26. 指導碩士生參加中華民國獸醫學會暨台灣畜牧獸醫學會99年度聯合年會口頭論文發表榮獲優勝及獎金 (2010).

  27. Editorial Board, World Journal of Virology (2011-2015).

  28. Editorial Board, World Journal of Methology (2011-2015)

  29. Editorial Board, World Journal of Experimental Medicine (2011-2015).

  30. 獲選登錄英國International Biographical Centre (IBC)之2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of The 21st Century. (2011)

  31. Editorial Board, Journal of Microbiology Research (2011-)

  32. Editor, Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine (2011)

  33. 獲聘中興大學 特聘教授 (II) (2012)

  34. Editor, Global Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences (JABS) (2012-)

  35. Editor-in Chief, Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine (2012-)

  36. 指導鄭景元博士後及黃偉儒博士生參加「101年度中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會」壁報論文競賽榮獲勝及獎金

  37. 指導呂欣諭專任助理參加「101年度中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會口頭論文競賽」榮獲優勝及獎金

  38. 指導鄭景元博士後及紀佩宜博士生參加「101年度中華民國獸醫學會暨灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會壁報論文競賽」榮獲優勝及獎金

  39. Editor board member, Journal of Life Medicine (JLM) (2013-).

  40. 中華民國獸醫學會理事 (2013-2015)

  41. 臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會理事 (2013-2015)

  42. Senior editorial board, International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IJBMB) (2013-)

  43. Lead Guest Editor, BioMed Research International (2013)

  44. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Contemporary Virology (2013-)

  45. Editorial board, Advances in Microbiology (2013-)

  46. 獲聘國立中興大學 榮譽特聘教授 (2013-迄今)

  47. 財團法人高等教育評鑑中心評鑑委員 (2008, 2011)

  48. Editorial board, The Scientific World Journal (Virology subject area) (2013-)

  49. Editorial board, British Journal of Virology (2013-)

  50. 中華民國優良廠商協會產學合作指導顧問及評鑑委員(2013-2014)

  51. Editorial board, Frontiers in Biotechnology (2013-)

  52. 指導邱泓銓博士後 參加「102年度中華民國獸醫學會暨灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會, 榮獲壁報論文競賽優勝及獎金.

  53. 指導博士生黃偉儒參加「102年度中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會, 榮獲壁報論文競賽勝及獎金.

  54. 指導博士生紀佩宜參加美國「The 3rd Word Congress on Cell Science & Stem Cell Research 國際會議, 2013. 榮獲壁報論文競賽The best poster award.

  55. Editorial Board, Journal of Virology & Retrovirology (2013-).

  56. Editorial Board, International Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Research (2014-).

  57. Editorial Board, International Journal of Virology Studies & Research (2014-).

  58. Chief Editor, British Microbiology Research Journal (2014-2017).

  59. 指導博士生黃偉儒參加參加「103年度中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會」壁報論文競賽榮獲優勝及獎金

  60. 指導博士生紀佩宜參加參加「103年度中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會」口頭論文競賽榮獲優勝及獎金

  61. 指導鄭景元博士後參加「103年度中華民國獸醫學會暨灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會」壁報論文競賽榮獲優勝及獎金

  62. 中興大學產學績優教師 (2015)

  63. Editorial board, Journal of Microscopic Creatures (2014)

  64. Editorial board, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Genetics (2014)

  65. Editorial board, Austin Biology (2015-)

  66. Editorial board, Journal of Vaccines and Immunology (2015-)

  67. 指導邱泓銓博士後榮獲「104年度中華民國獸醫學會暨灣省畜牧獸醫學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會」, 壁報論文競賽優勝及獎金 (2015).

  68. 臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會第27屆理事 (2016-2018)

  69. Editorial board, World Journal of Methodology (2016-2019)

  70. Editorial board, World Journal of Virology (2016-2019)

  71. Editorial board, World Journal of Experimental Medicine (2016-2019)

  72. 指導博士生黃偉儒參加「台中榮總與中區各大學104年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」壁報論文競賽第一名 (2016)

  73. 榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學104年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」優良論文獎 (2016)

  74. 獲聘中興大學特聘教授(II) (2016)

  75. 指導博士生黃偉儒參加「台中榮總與中區各大學105年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」壁報論文競賽第三名 (2017)

  76. 榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學105年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」優良論文獎 (2017)

  77. 指導博士生黃偉儒參加「台中榮總與中區各大學106年度合作研究計畫聯合成果 發表會」壁報論文競賽第二名 (2018)

  78. 榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學106年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」優良論文獎 (2018)

  79. 獲聘中興大學特聘教授(II) (2018)

  80. 榮獲中興大學研發成果技術移轉績優獎 (2018)

  81. 中華民國獸醫學會第16屆理事 (2019-2021)

  82. 台灣省畜牧獸醫學會第28屆理事(2019-2021)

  83. 指導曾旭弘博士生參加「107年度中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會秋 季學術論文研討會」壁報論文競賽榮獲優勝及獎金 (2018)

  84. 指導李俊毅博士生參加「107年度中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會秋季學術論文研討會」壁報論文競賽榮獲優勝及獎金 (2018)

  85. 中興大學終身特聘教授 (2018)

  86. Editor, Journal of advances in Microbiology (2018-2022)

  87. Chief editor, Microbiology Research Journal International (2018-2022)

  88. 榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學107年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」優良論 文獎 (2019)

  89. 指導李俊毅博士生參加「台中榮總與中區各大學107年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」榮獲壁報論文競賽第三名 (2019)

  90. 指導李俊毅博士生參加「台中榮總與中區各大學108年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」榮獲壁報優等獎 (2020)

  91. 獲聘中興大學特聘教授(II) (2020)

  92. 榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學108年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」優良論文獎 (2020)

  93. Editorial board, Infectious agents and cancers (2020-)

  94. 榮獲「台中榮總與中區各大學109年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」優良論文獎, 2021.

  95. 指導李俊毅博士生參加「台中榮總與中區各大學109年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」榮獲壁報優等獎, 2021.

  96. 指導李俊毅博士生參加生技及生醫產業國際研討會「The 2021 International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare Industry」榮獲壁報論文競賽第1名, 2021.

  97. 指導吳怡瑩博士後參加生技及生醫產業國際研討會「The 2021 International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare Industry」榮獲口頭論文競賽第2名, 2021.

  98. 擔任科技部一般型專題研究計畫複審委員, 2021.

  99. 擔任科技部開發型產學合作計畫複審委員, 2021.

  100. 擔任考試院專技高考命題及閱卷委員, 2021.

  101. 擔任農委會屏東農業科科技園區廠商進駐審查委員, 2011-2022.

  102. 指導李俊毅博士生參加「110年度中華民國獸醫學會秋季學術論文研討會」榮獲壁報論文競賽優勝及獎金, 2021.

  103. 獲聘中興大學特聘教授(II) (2022)

  104. 指導李俊毅博士生參加「台中榮總與中區各大學111年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」榮獲壁報論文競賽優等獎, 2022.

  105. 擔任Guest editor: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (2022)

  106. 擔任Guest editor: Cells (2022)

  107. 擔任科技部一般型專題研究計畫複審委員, 2023.

  108. 擔任Guest editor: Viruses (2023)

  109. 擔任Editorial advisory board members, BP International (2023-)

  110. 指導吳怡瑩博士後參加「台中榮總與中區各大學111年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會」榮獲壁報論文競賽佳作獎, 2023.

  111. 指導黃偉儒博士後生參加「112年度中華民國獸醫學會秋季學術論文研討會」榮獲壁報論文競賽優勝及獎金, 2023.

  112. 擔任Guest editor: PLos Pathogen (2023)

  113. 榮獲2023 International Veterinary Medicine and Animal Care, 最佳研究獎

13.專題討論 (一) (碩專班)
14.轉譯醫學特論 (轉譯醫學博士學位學程)
15.細胞分子生物學 (轉譯醫學博士學位學程)